I have now typed a letter to the local press - with some
By dianebulley
help from Pamg as usual. Herewith the text.
’ We live in uncertain times. One thing is certain – to
provide enough nectar to maintain one nest/hive, worker
bees need a Wild Flower Rich Meadow of 12 hectares.
As they suck out the nectar from each flower, then fly back to the nest, the plant produces more. The Pollen sticks to them, transferring it to other plants, ensuring natural pollination and future crops for us to eat.
Many of our local Wild Flower Meadows have been destroyed by the use of Agro-chemicals.
Thousands of Bedding Plants have now been purchased to
make Flower Rich Gardens in every town. Gardens that
have replaced the Wild Flower Meadows.
People Power is important.
Hoverflies feed on Blackfly and Greenfly at the same time
transferring valuable Pollen.
Bees work and provide us with Honey.
Please, please, do not use chemical sprays in your garden.’
25 May, 2016
Previous post: For Bees to have access to enough plant nectar
Next post: The interesting thing about worker Bees is
Good on you Diane
38degrees had a petition recently to prevent dangerous insecticides being put on our fields which has been succesful.
Round up makes the bees forget.
Years ago I was watching a you tube video where a lady in the USA said the insecticides that the Americans spray on their crops makes the bees forget she claimed prior to insecicides being used autism was un heard of in America .
25 May, 2016
On our local coast path the banks are covered with Armeria - all except for one stretch one field wide where the farmer sprays. Nothing could be clearer.
25 May, 2016
Thanks for bringing the plight of the bees to a wider audience than my village Diane,
it would help butterflies too the red admiral hasn't been seen here in the last few years. ...
I hadn't realise that many of them migrate here from europe.....
25 May, 2016
Red Admirals fly over the Channel from Belgium. Their
first brood in late April is in Kent and Sussex. They hatch out and then fly north, arriving in Northamptonshire in June.Then they live here until September. Feed on Stinging Nettles. Some even lay eggs on this plant which survive a mild winter.
Fascinating to study where Butterflies come from. It must
be too hot for them in Southern France. Some species come all the way from the south of the Sahara Desert.
They have little brains, and can route find better than humans can. (Remember when Margaret Thatcher's son
got lost in the Sahara ?)
26 May, 2016
Oh yes ?
And how about the amazing Monarch butterflies in the USA......
3,000 miles they can migrate, incredible
26 May, 2016
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Well done you! Wouldn't it be nice if the press picked up on the theme and spread the word. Sadly I think that the powers of commerce will over-ride any dissension and the damage to the environment will continue. Our local MP, who is supposed to support a rural community, obviously knows which side her bread is buttered and is supporting the farmers on the spraying of crops, soon only gardens will support our wildlife.
25 May, 2016