To get a good display of Iris flowers in your garden
By dianebulley
next year – now is the time to be kind to them. They are expensive to buy, but easy to increase for free.
That little ‘bulb’ below the green shoots needs sunshine.
The roots need feeding.
When splitting a clump, plant each section in a pot of moist
nutritious compost which includes some Fish, Blood and Bone granules. and horticultural sand. Cover the roots, leave the white ‘bulb’ and leaf exposed.
I have put 3 large ones in a 12" pot, and 8 dwarf ones in individual pots.
Am sinking them into the bed for the winter. In the Spring
I will knock the pots off, and replace them in the same hole. This gives each plant its own supply of nutrients for the roots to feed on all winter.
2 Sep, 2016
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Thanks Diane. I've got some Irises in a big tub and I'll give them fresh compost with BF & B this week, and hope for better results next year :)
6 Sep, 2016
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I have always been a bit haphazard with my treatment of Iris's but now have loads and plan to plant them against the house where they will get baked, also nothing else really likes it there! So I will take your comments on board and treat them with more respect and love!
3 Sep, 2016