Winter flowering plants - wish I had done this years ago -
By dianebulley
but here is the list for those who are young enough to enjoy doing it now.
Sourcing plants that will flower in the winter means travel and making phone calls.
Here is the list from Beverley Nichols ‘Down the Garden
Path’ just enough for a pocket notebook so that Goyers get the names right , and cultural advice which is very important.
Galanthus elwesii – plant 6" deep.(Snowdrops)
Winter Aconites.
Wintersweet- chimonanthus fragrans.
Jasminum nudiflorum – bring dead twigs indoors place in a vase in a dark cupboard and they will blossom.
Erica carnea – winter heather needs planting in a good
peaty loam in a tub if you have clay soil.
Winter heliotrope-petasites frangrans.Has the most beauiful scent.
Iris stylosa- (allow 3 years to settle down) they like a coarse soil. Dont overfeed.
Crocus imperati – to come up in January.
Daphne mezereum – likes its roots in shade head in sun.
Blooms in January.
Winter Honeysuckle-Lonicera fragrantissima.
Corylopsis spicata-bush blooms end of January loves horticultural sand round its roots.
Sterbergea lutea- winter daffodils – flower end of Oct until Christmas.
Forsythia intermedia- is the winter flowering one.
I would just suggest planting them where they can be seen from the kitchen window where you are in the warm!
11 Sep, 2018
Previous post: Giving this some considerable thought (which takes me a long time)
Next post: Winter interest for all.
It seems to me now its a good idea to look for a local GC that offers this service at this time of year. So many only stock wholesalers who supply in bulk.
A lot of time can be wasted looking round plant displays unable to find exactly what you need.
These are specialist plants, worth paying extra to find near to where you live because of travelling costs.
Also give some thought about grouping together maybe if you have a shady space that needs more interest in the winter months.
12 Sep, 2018
A very helpful list, will most definitely be checking it out, thank you!
12 Sep, 2018
Hi Dianne, here are a few more plants that you might like, depending on the size of your garden.
Chaenomeles, [japanese quince] flowers winter to early spring.
Cyclamen, you can have different species in flower from Autumn, right through to Spring.
Viburnum Tinus, V Burkwoodii, and V x Bodnantense 'Dawn'
Heleborus Orientalis, lots of choice of colours.
Winter flowering Pansies.
Prunus Subhirtella Autumnalis, flowers intermittently from Autumn, right through to early spring, this is not the largest tree in the world, growing to about 25ft, unfortunately its spread is also 25ft, so not much good for a very small garden.
Mahonia x media flowers from late Autumn to late Winter, and is good for a shady spot.
Galanthus, [snowdrop] flower from late winter to spring.
Hamamelis x intermedia, flowers early to midwinter, fragrant flowers.
Some Narcissus, such as N 'Rijnveld's Early Sensation' from January, and 'February gold' slightly later.
Chionodoxa, flowers early Spring.
Clematis 'Cirrhosa' winter flowering , several cultivars available.
Skimmia Japonica, 'Rubella' develops buds in late summer/ autumn, which stay as buds all Winter, and open in early spring, also likes shade.
Sarcococca [sweet box] strongly scented, creamy /white flowers in winter.
I hope this has given you more ideas of choice for winter and early spring flowers to add to your list, Derek.
12 Sep, 2018
That's very helpful, thank you Derekm.
12 Sep, 2018
Nice list of plants Diane. Some people want perpetual summer but they'd lose out on so much beauty which appears through the other seasons.
12 Sep, 2018
I've bought quite a few of these online this year. I'm absolutely not trying to be smug by saying that. If you order from Thompson & Morgan, you can put the order in whenever & get the plants way before they need planting!
Promise I have no affiliation but it's bloody convenient to just make one big order & have staggered deliveries?
13 Sep, 2018
Hi Darren8, I bought from t&m several years ago, and to be honest, I wouldn't have their plants now, if they were giving them away, Derek.
13 Sep, 2018
Thank you for your interest Derekm . Owing to my dead
lumbar muscles (caused by a virus) I am expanding my grass area because I cannot balance to work away from the fence. I need less garden, sadly.
The list I have given is just enough for me to fill some
pots and containers to look after them.
I think a local garden centre that is helpful is well worth
supporting, also spread the news if you belong to a garden club.
13 Sep, 2018
Hi Dianne, so sorry to hear of your illness, it must be very annoying for you, having such an interest in gardening over a long time, I wish you all the best wishes.
I don't belong to a gardening club, so this site is the only way I have, to try and help people with their gardens, by giving advice and information where I can, Derek.
13 Sep, 2018
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Thanks for the list of plants- my garden could do with some more interest in the winter.
11 Sep, 2018