Summer Heat
By dirtygirl
It is amazing if my plants survive this summer.I don’t ever remember a summer so dry and so hot.Here in the Northeast we are experiencing a drought.Today it has rained most of the day and I think I can here the plants saying “thank you,thank you”. This is the first rain I can remember in the month of August.July was also dry.It all started last winter when we had hardly any snow.
I just added some sunflower pictures that I took today.They are so beautiful.
14 Aug, 2016
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It's so hot I can't sleep. I'm up at 3am. I guess ill do the wash, lol
14 Aug, 2016
Here in Cheshire, England it's not been hot all summer, for which I'm grateful. I'd find heat that bad very difficult to deal with.
14 Aug, 2016
Where is the mid-Atlantic - Bermuda ?
14 Aug, 2016
Mid-Atlantic stretches from New York to North Carolina.
14 Aug, 2016
Here in England the weather can be so up and down, one day fairly hot for us and then the next got to put a jumper on, that when we get hotter weather it feels harder to cope with. Have noticed since moving to the Midlands that we get more rain and mostly cooler then Kent where I lived till last year. In Kent every summer we would get a hose pipe ban so once the rain water butts ran out, that was it folks. You were allowed to use a watering can for gardening but no using hoses. Where I used to walk the dog every morning at 6am he would still get dirty as ground was wet with dew. Had one neighbour see me use hose pipe to wash his feet and had a go due to hose ban. See there was even a phone number for people to report on if you saw someone using hoses. Washing your dog was one of things allowed though. Feel for you having it so hot and dry.
15 Aug, 2016
I actually lived in Kent when I visited the UK. We saw the castle ruins I think it was Rochester and trying to understand crochet.
15 Aug, 2016
Lol. I was born near there, there are a lot of different Castles around that area, Leeds Castle, Hever Castle and Dover Castle just a few. At Dover Castle you can go down the tunnels into the cliff where Churchill had offices down there during the war. If you do understand crochet thats more then me :-). Before I moved last year was living just outside Tunbridge Wells which is north Kent.
15 Aug, 2016
Yes I was in Leeds too I was staying with my friend in his house and tried to act like a Brit. There's a big park there right near Leeds Castle where they were playing crochet. I tried to do some grocery shopping at the supermarket - OMG! I'm glad for your sense of humor.
15 Aug, 2016
Lol, so did you go around saying sorry even when it was other people who bumped into you. :-). Heard that on the radio the other day on how to recognise a Brit and I thought OMG, thats me! It is a nice park there. Used to walk my last two dogs there sometimes.
15 Aug, 2016
Well sort of. Our traffic in the US flows in the opposite direction as yours. So whenever I tried crossing the street, some poor soul on a bicycle, coming from the other way, would hit me and go crashing to the ground with all their goods scattering everywhere. I just stood there like godzilla. They were ready to kill me. I had to say something......!
15 Aug, 2016
Lol, friend of mine mother came over from South Africe on holiday. Was out one day when she said she so loves our Zebra crossings, she said they were great, you just walk out onto them and all the traffic stops! I had to explain that that was not what you were supposed to do, that you stand on the kerb and wait for the traffic to stop and she was probably giving some car drivers heart attacks seeing her just walk out in front of them :-).
15 Aug, 2016
Wow, blissful ignorance. I sent one guy into a tree, and another into a brick wall near Westminster Abbey. They tried to be gracious but I can see they were in pain. I felt bad.
15 Aug, 2016
I think they were playing Cricket, or Croquet, batting a ball through some hoops on a lawn.
Crochet is a form of knitting, done with a hook.
15 Aug, 2016
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Where I am, the mid Atlantic, the heat index was 105 F today and I have never ever experienced nights so intolerably hot. At present I am watering the garden three to four times a day. This heat stress in the garden is going on 24 hours a day, day after day, so to miss a watering could be fatal to many plants especially the ones in the pots. As it stands now, a lot of gardening could go up in smoke within a matter of hours. As for your recently posted photos....beautiful!
14 Aug, 2016