New box planters
By diydick
Well,had some nice weather the weekend so I had a go at building some box planters.
Got this old machine parts casing from work,was about 10 feet long,but had to cut it roughly to size at work so I could get it in the car.
After a bit more cutting and resizing got this,x2
Beginning to look about right now.
After a quick sanding down of the rough edges I drilled loads of holes in the bottom for drainage,sealed the wood inside,and stapled some ground membrane in the bottom.They then had 3 coats of shed/fence paint applied.
Size of each planter is 50" long x 20" wide X 12" high
I intend to place them on top of the cobbles either side of the middle tree shown here.
Not quite sure what plants I will putting in them yet,maybe a few shrubs or dwarf conifers at the back and something that will trail over the front edge.This area gets the sun in the morning (when we get it!).
Any ideas anyone?
20 May, 2013
Previous post: More additions to the garden.
Next post: Reap what you sow
Well done diydick ... smart looking planters :o)
21 May, 2013
They look great diydick, Hostas would look good, heuchera (fab bright colours), Coleus, Iresine herbestii (blood leaf) gorgeous bright red leave's, Brunnera jack frost to name a few, google them you wont be disappointed and there will be more suggestions from goyers :))))
21 May, 2013
Have you tried a large clay plant pot mounted on a piece of flat backing wood with 4 screws to hold crossed wire "to hold the pot in place and then mount the wood onto the wall,
the drainage hole acts as the entrance for the birds, the clay keeps the chicks warm and a bit of DIY like this on a rainy day helps pass your time away and gives the birds a home.
Like you i like the DIY.
anice blog "well done".
21 May, 2013
Thank you for your nice comments Diane,TT,Dee and Dungy.
Thanks for the tips Diane,I always put crocks or pebbles in the bottom of pots and planters as you say to stop the compost/soil blocking the holes and to help with drainage.Not sure wether to go for acid loving or not,but was wondering when the leaves from the trees fall into the planters would it make the compost/soil in them more acidic once rotted down?
They are in place now TT and do look the part thanks.
I also had Hostas and Heucheras pencilled in my note book as possibilities Dee,they do look nice don't they?
That sounds like a great idea Dungy and easy to make,I'll add to my list of 101 things to do in the garden lol.At the momemt I was just looking for ideas as to what plants to put in the planters,but your bird "hide out" sounds good.
22 May, 2013
Recent posts by diydick
- Garden is blooming quite nicely now.
19 Jul, 2013
- Trip to the garden centre
5 Jun, 2013
- Reap what you sow
26 May, 2013
- More additions to the garden.
12 May, 2013
- Some more plants potted up.
11 May, 2013
- My new planter
10 May, 2013
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Jolly good recycling. Remember to put some crocks in the bottom, as the compost will fill up the holes you have drilled in for drainage. Also use Ericaceous compost for acid loving plants.
21 May, 2013