Men can not be trusted
By donnah
Hi My name is Ethel the chicken. And I am really fed up with men, ( Male chickens ) This is my husband
He has been seeing another women and has left me with 9 babys to bring up on my own. This is HER LYLO LIL ( Hope you are all bread fans)
Well I am going to devorce him and take him for every penny. I tryed to leave today with my family but Mummy Donna chased us back up the path to our little house
Just look at my lovely children they need a father figer, I think I might join a dating agency, I could find a Daddy Chicken to take me and the nine on . Untill then I will manage
24 Oct, 2009
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Lovely blog, Donna...
Funny :o)
Now on GoYpedia. Pets in the Garden. Lol.
24 Oct, 2009
dont you just men Glad I have a good one and plus not nine babys
24 Oct, 2009
All male chickens are Casanova's. A couple I used to know got hens and a cock... the cock did what cocks do and trod then hens morning noon and night, the wife was so incensed she killed him!
24 Oct, 2009
Bread lie low lil loved it.poor babies all 9 of them men eh!!!!
24 Oct, 2009
good of her
24 Oct, 2009
I have the lie low lile of the chicken world Are you Men All the same LOL
24 Oct, 2009
Brilliant! I'm still laughing!
24 Oct, 2009
That is so funny, lovely pics Donnah........
24 Oct, 2009
Love my chickens.i find them so funny to watch, The mothers make such great parents,
24 Oct, 2009
LMAO, Donna! Brilliant!
24 Oct, 2009
You are so lucky - I would love to have room for chickens, hens and lots of other creatures - I love them all. You must work very hard for them Donnah.
Still laughing! I will look up this blog whenever I feel down.
24 Oct, 2009
Brillient Donnah, thanks for a great laugh and NOT all men are like him. Lol
24 Oct, 2009
Sexists, the lot of you ( though I think Moongrower's a bit closer to the mark! )! If MEN made comments like this, you'd all be accusing them of misogyny! Give the poor lad a break, he's only being true to his nature.....he's a male chicken, for goodness sakes!
( Vee funny, though, Donna!!!! )
24 Oct, 2009
Sorry Bscot
24 Oct, 2009
Lol, Brenda!!
24 Oct, 2009
Joking, Donna....well, almost!!!!
24 Oct, 2009
Isn't that one of the problems in our society Brenda... if any man had said something lie this it would be seen as a 'Sexist remark' a woman can get away with saying the exact same thing and she is not challenged. Women are just as sexist as men - more so in some cases.
Sorry Donnah but this is a fact, which is why I tried to point out that a cock treading a hen is natural and normal. We need to stop anthropomophising animals they function, by and large, from basic instinct.
Trying to turn them in to human beings, which they are not, is always going to fail. In any case scratch most humans and you will find al sort of primeval instincts.
We are only a hands breadth from being savages.
24 Oct, 2009
Totally agree, Moongrower! You've voiced my beliefs exactly!
I know, we all know, that historically women have had a raw deal at the hands of men, but retaliating in the same way by 'knocking' the male species helps nobody...two wrongs do NOT make a right.
Having said that, anthropomorphising CAN be good fun at times...look at Beatrix Potter! If it helps us, as a species, to care more for the creatures we share the planet with, all well and good. Too often, though, the habit tends to mock them, which says far more about us than it ever does about them.
...and we're only an opposable thumb away from being something else entirely....
24 Oct, 2009
Oh dear - are you two getting all philosophical again?
Donna - what fun this blog was! It made me laugh, anyway. :-))
24 Oct, 2009
That'll be Moongrower and Bscott in the Naughty Corner, then!
Sorry Donna....yes, it was entertaining, apologies if our sidetracking caused any offence to woman, man, cockerel or chicken.
24 Oct, 2009
Oy... Spritz stop kicking Brenda or I'll tell Miss! Aanthropomorphising is all very well so long a we recoginse that is what we are doing. Once we start attributing to animals the same feelings we have there are problems. No I am not saying animals do not feel just that they feel, react and respond in a very different way!
Right not to give Mookins blushes again it is 'night. night, sleep tight', time in the MB household...
24 Oct, 2009
Lol! The only 'offended' chicken around here is the one in my oven! Having been brought up the only female in a houseful of men, I AM sexist & I admit it! I had to be!
Donna, your blog cheered me up today, & while I agree in principle with MG & Brenda, I am still gonna take the **** out of men! LOL!
24 Oct, 2009
I only slapped your wrists, you two..... (lightly)!!! LOL.
Good night - don't forget about the clocks!
24 Oct, 2009
Night Spritz! Do they go back tonight? I'd forgotten! LOL!
24 Oct, 2009
24 Oct, 2009
I know, who's the bird-brain now!
24 Oct, 2009
Hhmm...first time for everything, I suppose! And that's the first time I've had my wrists metaphorically slapped for being too bl@@dy clever for my own good! Will I learn? I very much doubt it.
I shall retire, tail between legs ( anthropomorphically-speaking ) to deal with my clockage ( yep, just invented that one ) and sharpen the pencils.
'night all.
24 Oct, 2009
LOL! Night Brenda! Sweet Dreams!
24 Oct, 2009
Zzzzzzzzzzz lol
24 Oct, 2009
Night MG! Sweet dreams to you too!
24 Oct, 2009
Sunday morning now and yes I have changed the clocks, Thank you all for your coments they made me laugh.
25 Oct, 2009
Just as well, Donna! Those two.........playing teacher up like that! I'll get my detention book ready for next time. LOL.
25 Oct, 2009
Great blog Donna, gave me a good chuckle!
25 Oct, 2009
Yes Donnah in their head they are, lol animals are the same as humans not much difference, I lived on a farm. The swan, mandarine duck live with only one partner. Most men are like this, I live in the real world, if they get the chance and not get caught. The woman are hitting back so don't worry they are getting as good as the men, my daughters they go bingo night clubs their partners have the kids washing up etc not them, they lived in Yorshire and learned from the woman there lol. There was talk about the one parent on radio and a lot of people are questioning why are not the men bought to book,they are always persicuting the woman but not the men, they are the culpret in most cases, this radio programe the mps listen to also George Galloway is on too. When the community pulls these girls down and their children , they want to remember children don't forget that I know as I was a one parent, these are the ones who in future will be nursing you in hospital , deciding to give you a mortage, or educating your children. The head of school education here in my town, he was from a one parent and bought up on the roughest estate, I know his opinion
25 Oct, 2009
Good blog Donnah...he's got that look in his eye that cockerel of yours!!
26 Oct, 2009
In defence of this poor male chicken I feel certain assumptions have been made about his distinct lack of parenting skills and I would ask you to consider the following ...
Clearly this stems from his upbringing as a battery chicken
Having been rescued by Donnah he clearly failed to inherit the necessary social and developmental skills required for parenthood.
No sooner had he performed his duties than he would find his children taken into care to be fattened for the battery process.
It is therefore quite understandable that never having had the opportunity to bond with any of his off spring ..he assumes his role is finished once they hatch.
To then attribute our feckless ways upon him purely because he is a male chicken is very harsh.
By all means take the **** out of my gender but given his circumstances , his lack of opportunities and poor social skills I would have hoped for more compassion and a less judgemental approach to some of the difficulties he has encountered.
If you or anyone you know has been affected by some of the issues raised here please contact your local KFC branch.
28 Oct, 2009
LMSO BB. Nice one ;~)))
28 Oct, 2009
28 Oct, 2009
Love it BB !!! :-)))
28 Oct, 2009
Bonkersbon He was not a resque chicken. He was a unwanted rooster which my freind did not want.So he was for the chop.He has a lovely life , And is also very spoilt. he thanks me around 5 in the morning with his crowing BLESS HIM
28 Oct, 2009
Ian I love the new photo
28 Oct, 2009
28 Oct, 2009
Thanks Donnah :~))
28 Oct, 2009
Rescued from the chop Donnah ? Threatened with a vasectomy as well ? no end to this persecution wonder he had nine kids while he had the chance ..
28 Oct, 2009
LOL, Ray! You're on a roll!
Digger! You're back! Large as life & twice as ugly!! LOL! :~))
28 Oct, 2009
Not only has he fathered my hens nine .He has been down to the farm down the hill to see more lady chickens Is there no stopping this boy?
28 Oct, 2009
Thats more like it Donnah ..the lady hens could always try saying No ..all that pecking gives me a headache do you have a name for him ? after what you ve said think Seymour sounds good
28 Oct, 2009
I would of named him after the electric metre readers here seaman, both my brother in laws work for them, On the raids on houses lol not saying what kind of raids that is funny stories though.
28 Oct, 2009
Seaman ? Morgana .. do they drop cards through your door saying we came while you were out ? ... think about it
28 Oct, 2009
lomao no they post my cards back through which I left in a telephone box he he ha ha.
28 Oct, 2009
Oh too much information there Morgana lol bit much when they reverse the charges isnt it ? sorry Donnah dont know how we got here from chickens as you say us men cant be trusted lol
28 Oct, 2009
I was talking birthday cards what kind was you on about then lol
28 Oct, 2009
oops caught me there didnt you but why you d leave birthday cards in a phone box is beyond me ...
28 Oct, 2009
I did nt just pulling your leg he he ha ha
28 Oct, 2009
Aye you ladies .. soon as Toto back you ll all forget me ..sob. Wonder what Exmoor like in a tent would ve thought of something a little more exotic having escaped the shed .. a caravan on Orkney ..perhaps.
28 Oct, 2009
I think your a great laugh I chat more to you than Toto he he. Wet I would imagine. Perhaps its because he love s the excitement of being caught he he and campers are more friendly. May be he want to come back with a cold so nurse Dawn can nurse him back to health he he
28 Oct, 2009
Oh poor Donnah when she reads all this .. lol Aye nurse Dawn from Anne Summers mind given the choice between her and his male nurse .. sorry Dawn x Night M x
28 Oct, 2009
Good nite Bonkersbon leaving me laughing my head off ha ha ha he he
28 Oct, 2009
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awww poor ethel and her lovely chicks, what a horrid hubby she has and right in front of her face,, grrr bad man, is this usual for chickens to behave like this donnah or is he just a cassanova amonst chickens lol
24 Oct, 2009