got a new camera
By donnathomas
Well I got a new camera today thanks to my mum in law. hopefully it will be dry long enough so i can take some pictures of my garden.
been tiding up the garden today, wish the kids didn’t have so much garden toys and that doesn’t count the 8 foot trampoline sat on my lawn. But has the hubby said we didn’t buy a house with a garden so the kids would be stuck in all day! So i’ve accepted defeat and allowed the toys to stay, just counting down the years till they go and I can have my lawn back.(by then I would proberly want to dig it over for a flower bed or something!)
My tree fern is looking alot better after a good clean and sugary drink so thank you for the advice.
My “thought was dead” fushia is alive, I saw the first shoot today so happy about that, not so happy with my dual pear tree which as yet not flowered, I only put it in last year so gonna give it this year off but wondering what to do to improve it’s chances next year?. The dual apple tree which I got at the same time as started to flower so here’s hoping might get some fruit this year, my plum tree as just finished flowering and has done even better this year so it might do better this year than last (got about a dozen plums off it last year)
Husband think I might have a sapling cheery tree hiding at the back but i’m unsure, yes our neighbours have lots of cherry trees and it does look sort of like it but after the dock leaf incident i’m keeping shut.
13 May, 2010
Previous post: how to make a fool of myself.
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And as they get older ...motorbikes,footballs... the list goes on! My dual apple is flowering like mad at the moment - although my kitten thinks chasing the bees pollinating it is the most fun in the whole world!! (tried explaining she is not allowed to eat the flowers as they turn into apples but dont think she understands!!!!)
14 May, 2010
Try to get your children interested in the garden. I remember my dad gave me a bit for myself and I used to sew seeds and plant things in it. You never know - they may enjoy it. Playing with toys on a lawn is so boring lol :o))
14 May, 2010
I agree with Hywel - OK, they do need their outdoor toys, but get them gardening with their own patches - and fast germinating and flowering seeds like Virginian Stock, Nigella, Candytuft, Nasturtiums and so on. They'll be thrilled with their own flowers!
They'll become more respectful of your part of the garden, too! :-))))
Look forward to seeing your photos.
14 May, 2010
Recent posts by donnathomas
- where did the last 2 weeks go?
28 May, 2010
- photos of plants that needs names
14 May, 2010
- how to make a fool of myself.
12 May, 2010
- a brave new world
9 May, 2010
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Photos to look at soon then,as to the garden and toys ,well it doesn`t always work that way Donnah,I`m still sharing only now its grandchildren and
13 May, 2010