Sunday no other day like a sunday
By dungy
Good morning all,
Well its sunday "the only day thats always been a different day,
The changes in the laws ref shops being open hasn’t put a stop to “Sunday” having that feel like no other day of the week,
Love it or hate it it’s true,
As a kid living in Liverpool “back to back housing” no fields to look at, just the street with few vehicles in it
The largest vehilce was a CO-OP coal wagon and it was the transport on a saturday afternon for the Lady of the house and my mums best friend ’Aggie’s form of transport to the shops,
My mum would see her as she was driven to the shops in this coal wagon "scales on the back along with neatly folded coal sacks, waving like the queen mum.
Mum would wave and say “she’s got it made that girl”,
But sunday was a full street of kids, the girls skipping over the long rope tied to the street’s old gas lamp,
You’d see a line of girls waiting to run in the already line up of girls jumping up & down to the singing of those songs they all new the words to, (Three six nine, the goose drank wine etc etc )
If one or two mums joined in to show what they could do ref skipping “well” that really was a sunday to see.
(Did mums ever take those folded head scarfs off? was their hair ever set?)
The lads, we replayed the moves of saturdays match,
The smell of cooking was in the air, as was the smell of soot from the chimney pots,
All this was saying “this is your life now” The future for all you kids,!!! you’ll all just have to wait and see.
The men who didnt lay in bed on a sunday after a long weeks worth of work could be found down at the allotments, sowing/planting /growing and enjoying a big change from the monday to saturday working week .
Now lifes so different, Sunday hasn’t changed, its the day Lawn mowers have the chance to see day light from the sheds,
Its a day when time moves a little slower,
For me my home is far away from the back to back housing, the smoke smelling streets, the lamp and rope and the singing of girls,
Its been replaced by really clean fresh air "no factories around these parts,
And the girls singing has been replaced by birds sounds
“Some sing, some make tapping sounds,
Ladies ride their bikes into the villae to get their bread and just about everyone will be near to their gardens as the gardens grow.
Sunday is a different day to all the other days.
Long may it stay that way.
9 Mar, 2014
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Thanks Dungy - a great cameo of times past. We still keep our Sunday special - no work, not even knitting, though making lunch and a spot of gentle gardening from time to time don't count...It does us all good to have a day off both mentally an physically.
9 Mar, 2014
I remember all that, but we where in walton ,area of Liverpool where the big Jail was, still back to back with the lav down the yard, nobody had a garden down our street the nearest green was the allotments, where granddad went when he wasnt driving a tram
9 Mar, 2014
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Lovely blog , Dungy .
You´re so right , Sunday has always been different ; a little less so in England these days , I think , more´s the pity .
You will have started a wave of nostalgia here I suspect !
9 Mar, 2014