Raised beds are good on the eye when it comes to!
By dungy
Evening all,
Another good dry and sunny day here today,
Not very warm but better than wishing you we’re a duck.
Im not able to use the hoe yet because the ground in some parts of the garden are still very claggy and the soil sticks to the hoe,
But every dry day see’s the ground getting better to work.
Now for the people who are unable to dig or care for larger plots Ive always tried to get these people to try the raised bed type of gardening,
Ive done this because i do it myself and i know it really works,
It’s eye contact thats one of the killers when it comes to larger plots,
ie you look at the weeds having a field day and even when you spend all day weeding "come the end of the days weeding you stop and start to “try” to stand up “hearing the cloggs in your back trying to work”
And then you look at how much or little weeding you’ve done to how much is still left to do!!!
This is the eye contact im talking about.
It really can be off putting,
Raised beds on the other hand are area’s that you’ve made,
and if your wheel chair bound you need beds that are narrow but perhaps long,
you need to be able to reach the centre of the bed via using both sides of the bed in comfort from your chair or kneeling frame.
This isn’t to say you cant have a fair sized garden
it just means you have a series of raised beds spread over your garden.
When you start to weed a raised bed you want to be able to finish the job the same day if poss & this to see as a finished task is good very good on both the eye and the soul.
The other thing about raised beds is they are easier to weed because the amount of peat/compost in them is lighter and weeds come out easier, plus the drainage is better so the growing area will not tend to get soggy.
This afternoon i almost finshed doing my spring weeding of my own raised bed and to be honest its a very satisfying job to do because you know you’ll have a clear ready to use plot in no time,
And then you can see your plants growing while your sorting the next raised bed out,
And if you find your not weeding fast enough then the other raised beds can be covered with black plastic and this will slow the weeds down so you do have some controle on your weeding program.
I’ll say good night now and leave you to dream (about weeds if you like)
Good night all.
11 Mar, 2014
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More blog posts by dungy
Previous post: I just thought i'd churn this one out!!!!!
Well scrumpygrat,
If thats what you think of my trying to help those who are not always as fit as the rest of us?
Ref the lecture "bit".
Then you've just heard the last of any thoughts from me.
Perhaps you've some goos ideas?
12 Mar, 2014
Hallelujah. Does this mean no more irrelevant sunday school outing blogs.
Plenty of "goos" ideas there for you.
Trouble is, as steragram points out, it's not cheap and a lot of construction work is involved which may be a bit difficult to do for the people you are trying to help.
Having got 20 raised beds growing all sorts of things I agree with the bulk of your post.
12 Mar, 2014
Scumpygraham, you are coming across as very rude. No-one forces you to read his blogs or comments.
If you have nothing nice or constructive to say, it would be best if you said nothing at all.
Yes, Dungy, did annoy me in one of my blogs continually defending those who damaged my garden without the full facts, but I think that is just Dungy. He speaks his mind, and so he should.
I don't hold a grudge or be rude though.
Dungy has full rights to make this HELPFUL blog, you don't have to read it, as I said above.
12 Mar, 2014
Not rude at all.
What I said was totally constructive and factual.
And like Dungy, I speak my mind too.
No problems at all with Dungy's gardening blogs when they occasionally appear.
Awaiting his response to Steragrams concerns.
12 Mar, 2014
I am not going to argue. We will have to agree to disagree.
Speaking your mind is different to leaving rude and sarcastic comments that could be hurtful.
“God, I wish you hadn't said that.
We will now be subject to a 12 page lecture on how to make them out of milk churns, beer barrels, kitchen sinks, old car tyres.”
“Hallelujah. Does this mean no more irrelevant sunday school outing blogs.”
The 2 above quotes from your comments are very rude and sarcastic, and could be seen as bullying.
It does not matter whether he posts a daily blog or one every 2 weeks etc...
No-one forces you to read them, so the rude and sarcastic comments are not required, just don't click on his blogs.
Simple really.
12 Mar, 2014
I'll read what I want and if what I read is inappropriate then I will say so.
I suggest you read the rules regarding blogging and what is allowed on this site.
Now if you don't like my comments then don't read them.
If you had bothered to read any of Dungy's 2000 blogs in 5 days you'd realise how appropriate my reply was.
12 Mar, 2014
I've read them all and found them quite interesting -I enjoy the descriptions of rural France. On the very rare occasions I find someone's blog uninteresting or even tedious I simply move on to the next one. Politeness costs nothing and it is better to leave someone with a smile on their face than feeling criticised and unhappy.
And I find the ingenious ways some people can use materials to make all sorts of other stuff fascinating as it isn't one of my gifts at all. So if you see a lecture on the subject its up to you whether you read it or not.
12 Mar, 2014
Oh blimey O'Reilly Alex, what you doing??? best thing is to ignore him when he gets like this, or even better have a jolly good laugh, he gets bored occasionally and goes off on one, has done it many times, haven't you Scrumpy..
Its better to accept the fact that he is what he is, otherwise you only upset yourself,( mind you his advise on Sweetpeas and Dahlia's is spot on,) he refuses to understand how he comes across, always has done, although its usually on the questions pages, there are many curt answers to be found on there, although not as many as there used to be..
Incidentally Scrumpy there is nothing wrong with making use of the things you mentioned, I have two planters in my dog run, painted up with masonry paint, both look smashing all full of plants and it doesn't matter if the dogs run into them, both are car tyres, not sure how to build a planter out of the other things you mentioned, as you appear to have upset Dungy I suggest you write the instructions ( politely) please, I might need them, we get a lot of advice from Goy and we enjoy all aspects of it....
G'night Dungy, catch you tomorrow.....
12 Mar, 2014
Come on now, every answer I give is correct and straight to the point. That's what people want. And if people post wrong information then they need telling. Nothing wrong in that. Can't help it if they don't like being corrected. Not my problem.
As to blogs, I stick to the rules and definitions of what a blog is. It is an ongoing story, that is added to as and when. So I'll be updating my original sweet pea blog soon, as I've started planting out. I won't be starting a new one just for the sake of it. On the other hand, as I'm such an ogre I may just delete them all. Doesn't matter to me, I can grow what I write about. I don't need to pass on my knowledge to make things easier for people just starting out.
13 Mar, 2014
Don't come that Scrumpy, it doesn't wash with me, I was also speaking the truth, you were doing exactly what I said and you know it, you've done it before and will do it again no doubt., as to the rules we do know what they are....
Are you an ogre, I feel sure no-one has accused you of that, I guess they might have done, I often think of you as a grumpy git but then I've seen your written words many a time over the years, its human nature and a fault I also suffer from, of course its entirely up to you whether you add to your blogs or delete them, I got the impression that you were proud of your achievements, maybe I was wrong, as we have already established its your choice......
13 Mar, 2014
Lincslass, I did decide not to waste my time with Scrumpy, after the comment he placed after my last one.
Some people just don't care about others, and fail to admit when they have done wrong.
At least 99.99% of GoYers are kind, courteous and helpful. I almost never come across someone who is a bully or hurtful.
Scrumpy seems to hate hearing the truth.
Oh well, some people are beyond reason.
Scrumpy claims Dungy is breaking the guidelines for blogs, instead he is breaking 2 of the guidelines himself.
1. Be respectful of other members
10. Not post any inappropriate content including but not limited to:
F) Harassment
13 Mar, 2014
As Lincs is so well aware of the rules I cannot see why she is taking Dungy's side in his rule breaking blogs.
Alex isn't worth talking to. She better had report me to admin for punishment. Then we can rely on her knowledge to answer all the questions.
As I said, my blogs are for peoples benefits, so anyone wanting them for reference had better save them as they will be going.
13 Mar, 2014
For goodness sake Scrumpy its not a case of taking sides, thats playground talk and as to reporting you thats ridiculous as well, I do not hide behind admin, never had to do that do not see the need now, you are an adult and therefore I speak to you as one.
Alex is well worth talking to as you would find out if you took the time but thats also your choice, you have now once again proven him right., why can't you see that..
I like the questions pages and have learnt a lot from them, I would never claim to be knowledgeable and rarely answer the questions, I appreciate the time taken by members to answer and give advice and as you well know I have taken advice from you as well, however even you must admit it has sometimes taken a while to get a responsive answer as often they can get lost behind a sarky comment first, one just has to persevere, bit like gardening actually.
It would be a shame to lose your blogs, as I already said you do know what you are on about..
Anyway the suns shining and I've finished my cuppa so have to go back to my garden. Byeeeeeeee
13 Mar, 2014
I always answer questions asked and if sarcasm is used then there is a reason.
Just dahlias and sweet peas left now.
My next blog will be on Pink Floyd as anything is allowed on here.
13 Mar, 2014
Lincslass is correct I am a him, not a her.
Like Linclass, I do not pretend to know everything, and rarely answer questions.
You need to stop acting like a child and grow up.
On the subject of raised beds, I am also off to finalise the plans with the Council who are installing a raised bed for me and filling it for free.
I may only be 23, but the Council suggested installing it for me, I didn't ask them to, but agreed for them to do it.
Gives me more time to do other garden things.
13 Mar, 2014
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Gardening with friends since
22 Oct, 2008
Isn't it expensive to have a lot though? Stuff to build them and compost to fill them?
11 Mar, 2014