made my day "AND early in the day"
By dungy
Morning campers,
Well ive got to start by saying "Louise " Has made my day,
Why ,? because she’s back on line.
Since i returned to the fold, so to speak ive really missed her, she is one really nice person and im made up she’s put the knitting down and has said hello to all of us.
Funny such a little thing as a “Bee” could result in a friend replying.
Now “Lousie” more and more again from you.
Hope you have a great day with your friends.
Its sunny as hell here today and im on two minds ref getting the run behind mower out for those parts the ride on can’t get at,
(I say run behind because its one of those with a clutch mechanisium, “excuse spelling” and its takes off like a rocket, hence run behind)
But as ive said a few times now the ‘SUN’ really brings the best out in people.
Its the start of every spring when i really do think about the old allotment crowd and some of the antics one or two members got up to,
Now before the Ladies became members it was all men and a few wives arrived with the flask and did a lot of !!!
“why dont you tidy your shed up?
And why dont you have a toilet roll in that loo? etc, etc,
Well one of the comedy act members when asked the question ref loo rolls “replied”
Oh we find news papaer cheaper and the ’SUN" news paper warmer in the winter!!!!!
Arhhhhh Days gone but never forgotten.
Good home grown food for the stomech, nice fresh flowers to see & smell, And real down to earth people to warm the heart,
What more could anyone ask for?
Have a nice one folks, It’s the weekend at last.
8 Mar, 2014
More blog posts by dungy
Previous post: Ive found my first "Bee' today.
Next post: Sunday no other day like a sunday
Like you Dungy, I sometimes miss my allotment colleagues too. I was the only female, but that didn't seem to matter, especially if I'd been baking and brought some of my 'goodies' to share with our cuppas.
No sun here yet, but we have a good weekend tipped, so I'll be out there soon. Enjoy your weekend :)
8 Mar, 2014
Had a fab afternoon admiring snowdrops/hellebores/daffs etc and watching herons nesting. Too busy nattering to friends to take many photos though. Did my first major weeding of the year in my own garden and cleared lots of moss, tons of it this year. Tired but happy.
8 Mar, 2014
I have had my allotment for 2 years and enjoy all the community sprit on the plot that does not exist anymore. The good news is my daughter and her partner have taken a half plot next to mine and they are in there 20s so it good to see the young ones taking interest. My 3 year old grandson loves coming down to grandads and mummy’s plot to help dig in the mud.
8 Mar, 2014
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- Ive found my first "Bee' today.
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Thanks Dungy, I really should come online more often, I'm so wrapped up in my sewing at the moment that I don't have too much time. Enjoy your Saturday, I must log off and go tidy up the garden before I head out to the snowdrop walk. I'll try to take some photos, sun is forecast but we don't have any at the moment.
8 Mar, 2014