By dwyllis
Well its absolutely beyond any reasonable doubt. I am addicted to GoY! And it made me laugh to read a new blog by a new member, saying the same thing. However, I fear my addiction may be getting out of hand, as I have just spent two hours trawling my way through a wonderful online nursery, which just happens to be within a five minute drive from my house! My wishlist has just grown from the measly half a page it was yesterday, to five pages! (I could have got carried away & added more, but I thought it wise to approach my new garden with a little bit of caution). The Nikau Hill Nursery in Marton NZ (where I also live), has a great online site, with detailed advice on virtually every plant listed (& there are pages of them). Not only about the plants themselves, describing foliage, colour, & blooms, but also on position to plant, & feeding if advantageous to good growth, & pruning tips too. And all of this just down the road & round the corner from me … & I have been flashing passed the Nikau Hill Nursery at 100km for eight years now ….. & have never once stopped!!! But this coming Saturday is the day! And I will take the OH with me, because amazingly he enjoys doing this sort of the thing together, & is always just a tad disappointed when I turn up home with a load of plants which he has had no input into. Roll on the weekend …. another five days, so its back to looking at pics on GoY.
19 Sep, 2011
Previous post: Planting up
Next post: New Plants Arriving Tomorrow
Just two hours, it'll get longer. I suspect your garden centres profits will see a serious rise in profits. LOL
19 Sep, 2011
Yes, I suspect it is going to get longer Grannyb ..... I have just been putting up lots of photos of stunning delphiniums from another private nursery nearby .... they raise & create new hybrid varieties, some of which are just amazing ... & they send their seed all over the world. Not open to the public apart from two days annually ... 23rd & 24th December, so I can feel a nice Xmas treat coming on! This nursery, Dowdeswelle Delphiniums is just half an hour from where I live, & I'll be able to buy their delphiniums as potted plants, sent out via courier.
Hywel ..... I seem to be quite lucky when it comes to private nurseries not far away, as I know there is a Woodland & Native Trees nursery about 10 mins from where I live, which I have never been to, & a commercial garden centre which caters for more unusual plants in a town called Fielding, which is just 20 mins from me. I can see that all my outings from now on, are going to revolve around nursery/garden centres.
19 Sep, 2011
Surely Dwyllis all outings are to G.Centres aren't they?? Well they are here. Lol. How lovely to have yours so nearby, I would be tempted to visit daily!
19 Sep, 2011
Dwyllis my car thinks there's something wrong if I drive it home without stoping at a garden centre lol. We went to one in the pouring rain on Saturday. Got soaked but bought two nice plants :o)
One was a lovely succulent coming into flower, and Beryl dropped a telephone directory on top of it :O
19 Sep, 2011
OMGosh ..... did the flower survive ...?? If I am transporting or removing a plant in flower, I am totally OTT about the way it is handled. Right now we are experiencing heavy downpours of rain (several hours), & I am sitting here wondering what state my newly-planted & beautifully-flowering azalea will be in, when I look out from the bedroom window in the morning. Last week, strong winds stripped our new flowering cherry of all its beautiful pink blooms!
19 Sep, 2011
I was exactly the same when i started on GOY, got carried away, Hope you enjoy being with us and like Hywel i'd love to see them as you get them.
19 Sep, 2011
if I carry on my OH's is going to have me carried away.LOL
19 Sep, 2011
As my hubby goes to work at 12,45am I am often on my own in the evenings so Goy has been a lifeline for me, stops me feeling lonely,trouble is I have to check it out when I have my cuppa in the morning as well, lol..
19 Sep, 2011
Hi Meadowland ... Yes, Dwyllis is a Welsh name, though I think the Welsh spell it Dwilys (?) & I don't think they pronounce the W. Apparently the midwife who delivered me was Welsh & that was either her name, or she suggested it to my mum. I am the youngest of 8, so I think my mum must have been running out of inspiration when it came to choosing a name lol. So I ended up with this rather exotic name (in NZ at least), whilst all my siblings have very common names! I am totally fired-up about our garden project .... to the point that when I went on duty over the weekend (Hospital nurse), & the sun was shining beautifully, I felt really annoyed!! All I could think about was all the work I could achieve if I had been at home. Then I suddenly thought if I didn't go to work, I wouldn't have the money to spend at GC!!! That made me feel slightly better.
19 Sep, 2011
I know what you mean, Lincslass .... I work from 2.30pm until 11pm, leaving the house at 1.30 & not getting home until just before midnight, so it's my poor OH who has evenings on his own, but he has Sky & watches sports (lol). But when I get home, I like to pop into GoY & FB, for half an hour just to wind down after a hard duty on the ward. FB used to be the first thing I would go into when I switched on the comp in the morning, but now its GoY! And I am now darting about doing my housework, between hours of GoY or browsing about online nurseries! But on my days off, I am on my own from 7.15am until my OH gets home again at around 6pm, so it is a long day. I am getting heaps of ideas & answers to unasked queries about certain plants etc, & I now have a much clearer picture in my head of how I would like it all to look. My OH has told me that I can plan the garden as I want, & he will do the digging out of the new garden beds & put the brick edgings in, & the arches or any raised beds I might want ..... but I know I will be doing all the weeding, because he sometimes inadvertently pulls up something precious, thinking it is a weed!
19 Sep, 2011
I saw your comment about your name. (I don't usually read other people's comments) The Welsh spelling is Dilys. It was my mother's name. It means 'Genuine' :o)
20 Sep, 2011
Thankyou for that .... I have often wondered what my name meant .... well it's almost my name. I think it should have been spelt like that, but my mum must have registered it wrongly. The alternative was Myffanwe (may have spelt that wrong). Funny how everybody guesses that I have a Welsh name!
20 Sep, 2011
You can't mistake good Welsh names :o)
It's Myfanwy
Pronounced 'Muvanwee'
20 Sep, 2011
Dwyllis my hubby is not into gardening at all, I`m the only one doing the work here, he did of course help out many years ago with footpaths, digging the ponds out and erecting my greenhouses but unless I get stuck with a really heavy job he only admires and sometimes I have to remind him to do that, lol.
I don`t mind as I love it and get to make all my own decisions about what to do, it works well for us, he doesn`t know the difference between a weed and a plant and is also careless where he put his feet, lol...
20 Sep, 2011
Lolling at the Midwife naming you bit. My Grampy had exotic ideas on the naming of his daughters.....The Midwife objected to Cynthia Evangeline.......My aunty is called Kate.
21 Sep, 2011
Lincslass .... as you say ... sometimes its better when the OH leaves all the planting & garden design to the wifey! I have tried to get mine interested, showing him pics of the plants I'd like to put in, but he just starts yawning & getting fidgetty in his chair ... then he will say "You plant whatever you want to darling. I'll leave it all up to you. You just show me where you want the new beds dug & what shape you want them, & leave the rest up to me." With Rugby World Cup on right now, I have totally given up!!!
21 Sep, 2011
What was wrong with Cynthia Evangeline, Pimpernel? It's very pretty. So is Kate ... short & very sweet. My name has really been the bane of my life .... truly. Everytime I am introduced to someone, nine times out of ten, the very first thing they will say is "That's an unusual name. Is it Welsh?" If I had a dollar for everytime that has been said to me since I was a child, I would be a reasonably well-off lady by now. My father apparently wanted Leonie, & I used to cry when I was young & ask my mum why she couldn't have called me Leonie, because I thought is was such a pretty name ... & I still like it. My middle name is Lanair .... goodness only knows where she got that from, as I haven't ever met another Lanair in my life, & I've done a lot of travelling in my time. Too much gas & air, I shouldn't wonder!!!
21 Sep, 2011
There's nothing wrong with a Welsh name ... My mother's name was also Dilys. ... She hated it too :o((
I think it's much prettier than Leonie.
22 Sep, 2011
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- Water in NZ. ..... This time it's going up!
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- We have so much water in NZ .....Part I
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- Swap you some sun for some snow!
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It's exciting finding a garden centre you've never been to, and so near aswell. I hope you buy lots of lovely plants, and you must show us what you get. It's interesting to see what other people like in their gardens.
19 Sep, 2011