Your help appreciated
By eirlys
We have sold our mobile caravan and, to fill in part of the space left need two large garden planters .
I have seen plastic ones advertised in “small” catalogues but the reviews were not favourable. Two large wooden ones would be too costly and wouldn’t last as long as plastic.
Does anyone know where we could buy two large plastic planter, please? I thought Googling would find me lots but they are all small, or wooden.
We hope to attach trellis to the planters so that we can plant climbing plants and so hide the oil tank which can now be seen.
My THANKS in advance!
14 Mar, 2014
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We have some fibreglass ones too, seen them in various garden centres, nothing lasts forever but these are doing well and being neutral acid loving plants are not affected and they are light to handle
15 Mar, 2014
I know this is not really what you asked, but I hope it gives everyone a laugh. In my front garden I had a massive plastic plant pot. The plants in it where horrible but it was much too big and heavy for me to move, because it had concrete bricks in the bottom. Even my strapping sons balked at the thought of it.
Then one morning - it was gone. Someone had stolen it and all that was left was a little trail of dirt.
15 Mar, 2014
Well I hope it gave them nagging sciatica!
15 Mar, 2014
You're right, Nannijii, I did laugh. Sorry!
Our food recycling box vanished one night and we still haven't found it. Suspect: a local badger!! Hope he dislodged it.
snoopdog: Yes it would be cheaper but the ground was concreted over as hard standing for our caravan. Awkward fixing the posts/trellis.
Drc76: Will check out that link. My thanks.
Pamg: Another helpful suggestion. Thanks.
Need to hide our oil tank!
15 Mar, 2014
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Have a look at ' Fibreglass/Resin Terracotta pots' they come in huge sizes not cheap but unbreakable and much lighter than real terracotta. One site that sells them is I love mine is huge and after 4-5 years in all weathers still looks great cost was £160, but big ones start at about £80 if you shop around
14 Mar, 2014