By eirlys
The trees in our back garden are encroaching on the overhead wires. I contacted SSE only to be told I should speak to Net Power. I did, and was told they were “not responsible”. I have to discover “who owns the post”. Both electricity and telephone wires are connected to the nearest post which is in our neighbour’s garden.
The strong winds today were really worrying as I have been told that many trees fall in the Summer (Why?) We did lose our lovely Willow overnight about two years ago and it was a quiet night, so maybe there is some truth in it.
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone here has had this problem. If so, what did you do? If we have to arrange for this to be done at our cost, then so be it, but if the powers that be are responsible…………!!
20 Aug, 2016
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If it is a feeder line running from the main overhead line on the street to your home on your property you will have to get a private contractor to trim and if the contractor has any sense in his head and desires to live a long life , he will require that the line not be energized at the time of trimming. If branches are encroaching on a overhead main on the street, the utility company is responsible for keeping their lines clear if and when they decide to take action on it. On the subject of more trees falling over in the summer remember that the tree in summer is totally leafed and fully catches any wind like the sail on a boat. Horizontal or vertical wind bursts during a storm can hammer a tree down or tear its root ball up so much that it will go down with the slightest puff of wind on a clear day and I have personally seen this happen to a large persimmon tree on my property.
21 Aug, 2016
Andrew: I hate BT. They are draconian where others are concerned, and greedy.
We had a good tree surgeon to tackle the huge laurel "hedge" and we'd employ him again.
Loosestrife: We live on the edge of NT/protected Wildlife property. The hedge and the ditch just beyond mark our boundary to heathland. We have to have permission for anyone to "use" and to take machinery on to their land. Our tree surgeon is on good terms with them, so no problem there.
It's the legal implications we wondered about. Do we have to check with our electricity/telephone people first. They don't seem to want to know. Guess we'll get more sense from our tree surgeon.
Yes, of course, I should have realised trees are even more vulnerable to strong winds in Summer. That is when we lost our lovely willow : it really was a beautiful tree.
Will leave the problem until our return from holiday.
Many thanks, both of you, for the advice.
23 Aug, 2016
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Many years ago I contacted BT about their lines running through the canopy of a tree. They said they could disconnect and then reconnect them, but it would cost £110! I suspect the cost would be much greater now.
A good tree surgeon, with insurance cover, should be able to sort things out.
20 Aug, 2016