Expats's Profile

About me
We live in the foothills of the Masif Central (France). Having spent the last 5 years restoring an ancient mill our thoughts turn to the garden. I am NOT a gardener (before tackling the restoration project I was not a builder) but I'm willing to learn.
Part 2...We have been away for quite some time but are back and working hard on the garden. We have re-started a vegetable plot (strangely, vegetables here in France are very expensive), built (it sounds grand but it came in kit form) a 25 sq metre garden shed, planted more fruit trees and built a second patio on a high bank above the tree line which receives an extra hour of evening sunlight. Ongoing efforts to clear another 50 metres of riverbank of brambles and transplant marsh marigolds (beautiful in spring) to more areas.
In late 2010 we converted an ancient stone outbuilding into a greenhouse (see blog).
In 2011 we built walls in the front of the house and will 'lawn' the area in spring 2012.
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Joined in Nov 2008
Country: France