Moving into June 2013
By fidget
The garden is moving on slowly as we reach June.
Here is a shot (zoomed in) through the arch from the back window.It`s only a cheapo camera I use so no apologies for the end result.I just love the chaos it evokes.
And an assortment of snaps to welcome in June.There are several Aquilegia amongst them…I let them go mad and usually end up with one or two `more interesting` varieties.
This first one I particularly like……I can`t help but think it`s a wannabee rock drummer!
A blurry shot from the bedroom window.
Astrantia celebrates the emergence of the Sun
As does a Day Lily.
Sometimes you have to look closely at the tiny flowers to really appreciate them…London Pride for example…
Spot the Bees
And a Damsel fly
A few more various snaps now….Gardens calling..sun is shining…
“Gardens looking good today lads… carnage on the agenda after lunch”?
2 Jun, 2013
More blog posts by fidget
Previous post: My Garden Progressing 2013
Absolutely beautiful, my kind of plants more than lawns me...
2 Jun, 2013
So do I Michaella, love all your aquilegia especially that first one, all in all a garden to be proud of fidget.
2 Jun, 2013
Well they are good cats, all sticking to their own dishes, my three are all given dinner in separate places, as one is very naughty and pinches everyones, lol.
Lovely photos Fidget, I always allow the aquilegia to do its own thing, its a good old faithful and never lets me down.....
2 Jun, 2013
What a great lot of lovely plants., it all looks very inviting and I love your aquilegias too - aren't there some lovely ones?
2 Jun, 2013
Your garden is lovely - crammed full of plants. Interesting photos, and I love the cats :o))
3 Jun, 2013
wow, what a lovely garden, so many interesting plants, must keep you very busy,
4 Jun, 2013
Thanks folks.
Yes,I ,like most of us really do keep busy....but it`s a nice busy.....I also look after my late Mothers garden for Stepdad as best I can on a fortnightly visit back home in Oxford,and my In-Laws too,who live locally.They`re all in their Eighties now so it`s nice to keep things in order for them.....Mum lived in the garden and left us so suddenly I tend to take the view this might be the last time they can look out of the window or stroll round the why not make it an enjoyable stroll?
That thought alone makes me enjoy the effort.
I do love to let the aquilegia do their own thing...but I do cut the lower ,older leaves off from time to time so they don`t obstruct emerging new growth.The hardest part is trying to remember where the new growth is....I have to go seeking out the things I forgot were there.
All my own cats,two sisters to the left,3yrs old,and two brothers to the right,1yr old.And from time to time a ginger tom from across the lane or next doors who has been locked out come to visit......and they all visit our neighbours too.....crazy really.
I do keep a patch of garden for `cat purposes` as only one will use a litter tray.I keep it clean for them so I can live in the knowledge that they are not fouling other peoples property which is a comforting thought.
When time permits I will continue to browse some of your own photo`s.Had a quick look at some but must go back to them...especially your cat Hywel.....I think it must be related to one of our young boys.
Cheers all.
5 Jun, 2013
Lovely garden and beautiful cats ... :o)
6 Jun, 2013
You have some lovely plants Fidget and lovely cats. Isn't it great when it suddenly comes to life:-))
8 Jun, 2013
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What a lot you've got packed into your garden! Love all those pretty aquilegia.
Are they all your cats? There do seem to be a lot of them!:)
2 Jun, 2013