In praise of sprouts!
By fluff
Just a short blog to say that I found sprouts back in Morrisons today & I couldn’t resist…68p a kilo…not too bad?
My mum would say you shouldn’t eat them until they’ve had the first frosts on them …but they were fab! I cooked them until just al dente…still a brilliant green & very slightly crunchy. That way they taste fresh & delicious unlike the yellow, boiled to within an inch of their lives lumps of mush that Sarah Kennedy is constantly banging on about on her morning show!
We had brisket of beef…cooked slowly for 4 hours & minted, new potatoes & peas with the beefiest gravy you’ve ever tasted….just yummy!
Sorry no pics but that’s cos we ate the lot except for a smidge left for hubby’s sarnie tomorrow!
For pud I had a ‘Skinny Cow’ sandwich…a diet version of choccy biscuit & choccy ice-cream…but frankly…it ain’t makin’ it…you can’t beat the real thing I say!!!
24 Sep, 2009
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How about sprout ice cream then...your worst nightmare Hatter!!!! How's the back?
24 Sep, 2009
Back not so good! I think I've dislodged a disc again! But it'll straighten out soon!
24 Sep, 2009
Hi Fluff glad you enjoyed the sprouts... think I'll wait a while before we eat. Didn't grow any this year - sigh...
24 Sep, 2009
Does anyone ever buy the sprouts-on-the-stem I've seen in M'sons? What's the point of them? Are they any fresher/better than loose ones? Seems a lot of money...
24 Sep, 2009
Oh Glory be...not sprouts!! I spend all of Christmas Eve wrestling sprouts from their dam stems...cutting crosses in their bottoms...soaking them in ice cold water, then boiling them to bullets! Come Christmas Day, nobody will eat them, and I end up doing something "creative" with 'em on Boxing Day!! Lol :))
24 Sep, 2009
I once had them in a restaurant...creamed! Sounds awful but tasted divine ( tho I appreciate sprout-haters will find that hard to understand!!)...presumably just lightly cooked & mashed with cream.
Bubble'n' Squeak on Boxing Day with cold meat & pickles...mmmmmmmm!
24 Sep, 2009
I love sprouts I adore sprouts but no one else in my family does! I love them boiled I love them in stews and in bubble and squeak and I like them raw. But its quite a lot of bother for one person so do not have them as often as I would like.
24 Sep, 2009
I had the bright idea to make sprout soup once, I just followed the recipe for cabbage soup and it turned out OK-ish but it was a bit too thick, so I added some cream (under my good lady's direction) and it was good then.
24 Sep, 2009
Same here....absolutely love em and in most forms but don't get them too often as Ali doesn't like them too much and only has 3-4 on her plate on Xmas day as 'it's tradition'!!! Whatever....
The meal sounds delicious and not having had a cooked dinner for ages - our working hours cross over too much - I was almost eating my monitor!!
Good job no pics really!! lol
24 Sep, 2009
I love them too, I would of put some in the freezer and said look mum the first frost has had them he he
24 Sep, 2009
Love 'em, too! If I'm "doing" Christmas Dinner, the sprouts and other veggies get prepared, and then just a simple, short stir fry in a wok, with honey and ginger, so not soggy.
24 Sep, 2009
Anyone ever tried sprout on cream crackers with cream cheese and mango chutney?
24 Sep, 2009
Dan, does the first half of your username really apply? Lol!
Also, are you talking raw, stir-fried, or soggy sprouts here?
Sounds interesting, a bit like asparagus and cream cheese, really, so not so way out as it sounds. :-)
24 Sep, 2009
Dash....have to think of another combo now....LoL!!
24 Sep, 2009
Well, am waiting - lol!!! Getting hungry in the process, btw!
24 Sep, 2009
Can I come to yours for dinner PLEASE Fluff ??? :-)))
25 Sep, 2009
Anything with mango chutney sounds good! Rather than boiling sprouts, I've found that, after washing, you can let them steam with some butter in a frying pan with a lid for about 30 min, and then sprinkle Parmesan cheese on.
25 Sep, 2009
all sounds lovely except the sprouts...yuk yuk yuk
x x x x
25 Sep, 2009
Fluff: I WANT TO COME FOR DINNER - NOOOOOW! There is nothing in the whole world to beat a good roast.
On another note though, I work in a male orientated workplace, and as in all places like that there is 'female artwork' posted on the walls. But, you say quite rightly in reference to your pudding - you can't beat the real thing! LOL
25 Sep, 2009
I like sprouts Fluff , my hubby has grown to like them ( a little bit ) your dinner sounds like the kind of dinner that I cook , proper food !
Yes I do buy sprouts on sticks , you can stand them in a bucket with a drop of water in the bottom and then cut some off fresh during the week whenever you want them , that way they don't go ' soft ' ......
25 Sep, 2009
Dribble slurp. ! ! !
Sue, Sue, you've turned into a cat?
25 Sep, 2009
WHAT ????? Dear me ... must go and look in the mirror !!!! :-)))
25 Sep, 2009
I was going to make a comment about make up this morning but I deleted it again. (I havent got the ......... errrr ..... I'm not brave enough) Lol ;~))
25 Sep, 2009
Bottle ????? LMAO :-))))
25 Sep, 2009
Errrr OK then I can live with bottle! ! !
25 Sep, 2009
Yummy sprouts, I cook them just for me but then that goes for most veg as hubby doesn't like any cooked ones - except baked beans! lol
25 Sep, 2009
Any veg will do for me, with the exception of parsnips, swede and turnips - they're animal feed!
Just imagine Lily, if your husband only ate baked beans and sprouts.........!
25 Sep, 2009
I loved roast parsnips and swede mash
25 Sep, 2009
LOL Merfyn, be grateful for small mercies eh? At least with him on the baked beans and me on the sprouts we're well matched!!
How can you NOT like parsnips, especially roasted? :o)))
25 Sep, 2009
Oohh yes Drc726 ..roast parsnips and swede mash who could not like them !!
I wonder why it's mostly men that don't like veg..!!
25 Sep, 2009
Agree Drc and Amy roasted parsnips are manna from heaven and what else would you eat with haggis but bashed neeps?Mind you I loath beetroot!
25 Sep, 2009
I've been brought up badly Moon grower , I've never tried Haggis , I'm not sure that I would know how to kill and cook it ..LOL..
We grow lots of beetroot it's delicious hot or cold ... :o)
25 Sep, 2009
Yes Amy, I've noticed the veg haters are mostly men too. I can't come up with any logical reason why. Sprouts just MAKE bubble and squeak...... Why is it called that?
25 Sep, 2009
My mouth is watering...parsnips (I like them mashed with a bit of butter) swede mash, carrot and swede mash.....and maybe a little touch of garlic !!! Oooohhh !! All steamed first !!! Yummy !! If it is blokes that don't like veg.....they don't know what they're missing !! lol :-)))
25 Sep, 2009
They don't know whats good for them Lily / Sue .. thats why woman live longer ! My daughters husband didn't eat veg at all when she first met him ,
I don't know why bubble and squeak is called that , maybe 'cos of the noise it makes when its cooking , I like it when it's crisp and brown on the bottom , yummy ..:o)
25 Sep, 2009
Oh yes Amy it's GOT to be brown and crispy. I went to a posh restaurant and chose duck with bubble and squeak and it was shaped in a pale tower and looked like it had been steamed or microwaved! Such a disappointment and yucky too :o(((((
25 Sep, 2009
That would've been back in the kitchen before you could say Victor Meldrew !!! lol
Bubble 'n' Squeak .... bubbles when you cook it ... YOU squeak when you eat it .... 'cause it's SO lovely !!
Oh memories !!!!
Is it just me .... or this over 50 thing .... you know ... when you watch fat content and ALL THAT !!! (arrgghh !!)
I'm SURE I'll get a few responses for this one .... !! LMAO !!
25 Sep, 2009
Can't remember that far back Sue! LOL
25 Sep, 2009
What the log....or when you were 50 ?? lol x
25 Sep, 2009
Sue eat what you enjoy, especially on the fruit and veg. side and stay out of the clutches of the medics... they seem to be hell bent on putting every 50+ year old on Statins. I escaped them for nearly ten years then they managed to catch up with me and tried to tell me what I could and couldn't do, eat and drink - I made short work of them pointing out I'd been born with the hole in my heart, it had been in a funny rhythm for 20 years so what was different! I have ended up on pills but am seriously looking and stopping taking - if it is either pills or a glass, or 3, of wine I know which one is going!
25 Sep, 2009
A little bit of what you fancy does you good , I was told Sue .... I don't like fat on bacon or chops etc. I always cut it off before I start eating .
I don't like food piled up in towers either Lily , it's so silly , you want to be able to see what you are going to eat not dig around for it ! ...
25 Sep, 2009
Moongrower I have a friend who has seriously studied food and medicine , she has had cancer twice and cured it each time through her diet , she has been all clear for a long time , she refuses X-Rays etc , argued with the doctors when they have tried to make her go on drugs etc.
25 Sep, 2009
There is good medical evidence to prove that the right diet is definitely of benefit to your health. Like me for example, I lost two stone (32 pounds for the American contingent) stopped drinking, quite so much, alcohol and cut right back on my ciggies just in time to have a stroke! ! !
The medics claim that had I kept up the drinking, eating and smoking etc. then I might not have been able to recover so quickly and to such an extent. I have to stress one word, and that is MIGHT.
25 Sep, 2009
Oh my God !!! I am SO sorry !!! I've been on the old statins for a while meself ! Perhaps just wanted us to laugh at ourselves .... :-)))
25 Sep, 2009
Me to Sue ,! . Gosh Ian , sorry to hear that , you have recovered well I hope ?
25 Sep, 2009
Bubble & squeak was literally called that because of the way it bubbles at the edge of the pan & squeaks when air escapes from the hot veg!
Well you guys...sprout soup, nibbled monitors, chinese stirfry,sprouts with chutney. steamed dribbling Diggers....farting husbands...then we go onto mashed swede, roast parsnips, haggis & all sounds absolutely delicious to me!!
Oh & you're ALL welcome to dinner anytime!!
25 Sep, 2009
As we get older, like it or not, our bodies are not going to behave, or perform, like we were in our 20s. I feel the medics think we should all have the blood pressure of a 20 something year old and equally the cholesterol level. I outright asked my GP if it wasn't possible that everyones cholesterol level went up as they got older. He prevaricated but appeared to admit that this was probable. I suspect it is perfectly natural and normal and we are all be fussed over and given drugs we don't need by the nanny state!
And I'm willing to be told I've got it totally wrong :-)
25 Sep, 2009
Listen GoY's I didn't mean to upset anyone, I'm sure its on my 'about me' page. I had a couple of small strokes and recovered ............. Thats about it really. Sorry.
25 Sep, 2009
No you are so right Moon Mum is 85 years old & has tablets for cholesterol levels, blood pressure & blood thinning. She has been told to cut right back on salt, fat, dairy, sugar fact anything that gave her pleasure to eat. As a result she ate only bland, tasteless low-fat meals & completely gave up foods hse used to love. Why would you have to do that at that age?
Since I took over her evening meal she now has anything she fancies which includes meat, fish, loads of veg with butter & fruit with ice-cream or custard & only yesterday she said how much she misses a bit of salt on certain foods & happily tucks into, crisps, chips & cheese without feeling guilty. If you can't do that at 85 ...well what's the point of living??
25 Sep, 2009 haven't upset anyone...carry on dribbling honey!x
25 Sep, 2009
Fluff .... help me out our kid !!!
As I said ... the statins... also the old bp tablets ...I take both !!.
..What I was trying to say was ......'Yes .......I'm over 50 ... but I've still got a sense of humour ! Fluff... if you're not 50 soon will be !!! xxxxx LOL xx.
25 Sep, 2009
Timing Fluff .... didn't see last ... Soz xx
25 Sep, 2009
No worries the new pic! ;O)
25 Sep, 2009
Things are changing for no reason Fluff ... perhaps I just wanted to show what a handsome b****r he is !! lOL xx
25 Sep, 2009
Fluff I totally agree if you Mum in her 80s can't eat what she want and enjoy her life what the f... is the point.
25 Sep, 2009
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I'd love the roast beef new tatties & peas, but I dont like sprouts! Sorry! I agree about the ice cream tho!
24 Sep, 2009