Mbts ... sorry not a gardening blog by any means ...
By fluff
I do apologise for the topic of this blog/question … Goy is a community I consider a true group of friends & I really need peoples’ opinions on this if they can give them.
I have recently been to a podiatrist for an answer to the pain I get in my feet. She suggested that as I stand all day long on a hard floor as part of my job … & have done for 8 years or more, with the ensuing lower back,hip,knee & foot problems … I should try a type of training shoe called an MBT (Masai Barefoot Technology).
They are based on the walking experiences of Masai warriors who always go barefooted & walk/run for many miles daily. A Swiss guy reasoned that as these tribesmen never suffered back pain & had perfect posture it had something to with their unshod feet.
The shoes he created that replicate this motion of the foot make you feel as tho’ you are walking on soft sand & with a rocking motion, so can be hard to get used to.
My boss says his mother wears them & they have eliminated her lower back pain as they are claimed to do & has offered to buy me a pair.
I just wondered if anyone on Goy has a pair or has any experience of them with family members so that I can make an informed decision!
The only tenuous link to gardening is that they may help my back pain & posture & therefore allow me to tend my garden without wincing!
17 Sep, 2010
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I bought a pair of 'Earth' shoes which correct posture and help with backpain but you have to start by wearing them for a short while, gradually increasing wear time....sound similar to these MBT's. Anything that may help is worth a try Fluff.
17 Sep, 2010
Personally think that its down to you being in one position for prolonged periods of time ..repetitive strain injury , white knuckle syndrome , chronic back pain etc all related to this Masai do not stand for 8 hrs in one position and for some guy in Switzerland to declare its because they stand in bare feet is like me saying the Swiss know what makes people tick because they make cuckoo clocks .. ridiculous .
17 Sep, 2010
Think I would tend to agree with BB, but, if the Boss is buying ..... why not ? You may get some benefit and if doesn't cost you anything even better ! :~)
18 Sep, 2010
I hope MBT will certainly take the pain off your back.
18 Sep, 2010
it is worth a try...go for it...I just bought a pair of the shoes that make you walk heel to toe better...I am going to be using them for work outs at the health club here in N. Wales...
18 Sep, 2010
I think they must be good if they help relieve your pain. As with all things you have to get into it gently and let it take it's effect over time. There is no miracle cure for anything.
18 Sep, 2010
What type of shoes do you wear at work ?
Flat shoes ? Heels ?
I hope you can get some help with your feet problem which will then allow you to enjoy life more, including gardening....
18 Sep, 2010
Thank you for all your advice ... I wear ordinary trainers at work TT but they've worn out!
You're right BB ... there is a lot of hype surrounding them ... including the claim that they banish cellulite but I think it would take some heavy lifting gear to shift mine & anyway they've stopped putting that in ads as I'm sure they've realised that's a mighty big claim.
I think the knowledge gained from the Masai was the way their feet trod on the bare ground proved that many of the shoes we wear everyday are not good for our feet & stop us from walking naturally as they do so to wear a shoe that emulated that would help.
I have read so many reviews now that agree they do help with pain, circulation & posture so I think I'll sting the boss for a pair!
Thanks again everyone ... 1st frost here this morning ... car windscreen frozen & everything in garden looking a little shocked! :o))
18 Sep, 2010
Go for it Fluff, you can only try and if no good, re-think !! But hope it helps. I have been wearing Fitflops all season and now I dread going back into a shoe, I love the freedom of sandals as my feet have widened over the years!! `=0) Let us know how you get on.
18 Sep, 2010
I used to suffer from calcium deposits in my heel and walking was terribly uncomfortable (well, painful). I had cortisone injections but they didn't help a whole lot.
I had been recommended Crocs (I know people think they are ugly!!) but with being a newsagent at the time and standing for long periods it was essential to get some relief.
I haven't stopped wearing them since I got my first pair about 4 yrs. ago....I've got 4 pair and I even wear them for most of the winter. Have you tried Crocs at all, Fluff?
Whatever you decide to purchase....I do so hope you get relief. Nothing worse than constant pain and you do need to be "on your toes" in your job! lol
18 Sep, 2010
I don't know anything about these shoes Fluff., but i recon anything is worth a try especially if the boss is buying, what have you got to lose ?. I hope you get some relief soon. good luck.
18 Sep, 2010
Thank you very much ... yes I've heard Fitflops are excellent ... they need to make a winter wearing variety Grandmage!
I couldn't wear flimsy shoes at work ... should have steel toecaps really but they hurt my nails ... I'm allowed to wear trainers only if they have the more robust tops & I've tried Crocs WL but they were too wide if anything & I kept tripping up in them ... lots of candle wax around!
That's what I thought Tulsa ... I haven't told him how expensive they are yet!!
18 Sep, 2010
Oh dear, Fluff....sorry the Crocs didn't work for you and I can understand they'd be no good around candle wax nor without toe protection.
You are fortunate that your employer is going to foot the bill so I hope it is very soon that you get your special shoes and they prove very beneficial.
18 Sep, 2010
Thank you! He's very good really ... just needs lots of reminders! ;o))
18 Sep, 2010
Fluff, just read your blog and wonder if you'd seen Hotter and/or Ecco shoes at all ? They have a good range of 'springy-soled' shoes/trainers, not cheap, but last for ages. I used to wear Ecco lace-ups when I stood for up to 6 hours in a shop, not pretty, but very comfortable.
18 Sep, 2010
No Shirley I haven't ... I'll have a look. Thanks for that! :o)
18 Sep, 2010
You had frost ?:o((( Oh no ! That's very early.
18 Sep, 2010
I know Hywel!! I think the frost fairy got lost!
18 Sep, 2010
It's raining here now but better than frost lol
19 Sep, 2010
I can't complain Hywel ... it was a one - off for the moment at least.
It has been so sunny since it's like I dreamt it! ;o)
19 Sep, 2010
not heard of these fluff but if they coulod help then worth a try and let the boss pay, which is very good of him to, good luck as nothing worse than back or leg pian, i get alot when working cause im stood doing hair all day, not as bad now im part time,
21 Sep, 2010
I've ordered some Skechers Shape Ups San ... they were so comfortable when I tried some on. My boss has also bought special mats to stand on. :o)
21 Sep, 2010
Good luck with the new footwear, Fluff...
Your boss must value you a lot to buy the special mats. :o)
21 Sep, 2010
thats great fluff, conciderate boss you have ;o)
22 Sep, 2010
Good luck with the new footwear and mats, Fluff, let us know how you get on with them.
22 Sep, 2010
Glad to read that you are expecting your Skechers to help you (and the special mats). It may take awhile to become accustomed to them (calf muscles may react a bit at first) but as you found them comfy when you tried them on I'm thinking you'll find them a real help, Fluff.
22 Sep, 2010
Terra & San ... he's a good man bless him ... Michael was working there too when he died & my boss has looked after me ever since. Everyone loved my boy & were all devastated when they heard the news.
The warehouseman even gave me money towards his gravestone.
My boss has hugged me when I break down in tears & had tantrums with the candle wax (quite a common occurrence) & given me every comfort he can.
And yes I think he values me ... I've worked there for 10 years & I make every glass candle they sell ... & that's a lot of money.
I know I'm very lucky in this day & age to work for a small but successful company that has a caring owner.
Thanks Gee & Whistonlass ... yes I'll let you know how many times I trip up with new shoes & mats!
I've read that they can cause aches initially so am prepared for that ... think I'll wobble round the house in them at the weekend first! ;o)))
22 Sep, 2010
thats so lovely fluff what nice people, its reasuring to know people still care isnt it ;o)) x
23 Sep, 2010
Sure is San ... it means a lot. xx
23 Sep, 2010
& do tell.....how are you getting on with your new shoes and the carpet? Hoping it's working out well for you, Fluff.
27 Sep, 2010
Hi Fluff. I have skechers trainers. Reach me downs from someone who could not get used to them. They do take some getting used to. The most effective treament I have had for plantar fasciitis was ECST or extra corporal shockwave therapy, way back in 1992. I got it towards the end of my working life from community visiting using right foot on a stiff clutch, all day, everyday. Haunted occupational health, until directed to a podiatrist. I was fortunate I found the only one who believed in it in an NHS clinic. I found it very effective. Later I had another session of it privately at a sports injury clinic...no arguments this time. It will clear up. It comes and goes. My solutions. Put gel heels in your trainers, support your instep.....lose some weight if not thin. Get hold of your big toe and slowly but gently pull towards you. Lots to google about this affliction.....masses of it, as such a nuisance disorder. Makes you feel so miserable, nagging away. When you go on about achy feet no ones interested....as long as they aint standing on them.
28 Sep, 2010
Grrrrrr ... that's me growling Whistonlass ... they still haven't been delivered & I'm still chasing them up! They take your money quick sharp don't they but for some reason the van driver can't find a factory with the name on the side in HUGE letters!! I thought I'd get them delivered to work so there would be some one there to sign for them. Useless. :o((
Ho that's so true Dorjac! No - one's listening to my whinging anymore!
I have some gel inserts which are helping at the moment but I really want my shoes to try!! I am on a diet too ... have lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks ... drinking green tea which tastes disgustingly like muddy ditch water but they say it helps digestion & therefore weight loss so I'll try anything! ;o)
28 Sep, 2010
LOL, Fluff, please tell me when you drank muddy ditch water ? Fell into a ditch on the way home from the pub one night ? : o )))))))
28 Sep, 2010
Haha ... you know what I mean!! Tastes like old ashtrays too & I've never licked one of those either! Lol!! :o)))) (I remember that ditch!) :o)))
29 Sep, 2010
LOL, Fluff, you keep on drinking the green tea. : o ))))
29 Sep, 2010
Just noticed how much weight you lost in 2 weeks.......must be that green tea wot did it. Hope you have your rockin shoes by now Fluff and doing your poor old feet some good. I usually wear my rockers when I mooch round town doing shopping pace, which is a killer for dodgy feet. I think, in the end, everyone with this affliction finds their own ways to try and deal with it.
30 Sep, 2010
Must I Shirley? Must I really? Blaaaagh! ;o)
Well Dorjac ... it'd better be the grim tea ... otherwise I'm holding my nose & swallowing for nothing! Looking forward to the scales on Sat morning ... been very good this week but got stew with crusty bread & eton mess for supper tomorrow night as friends round ... & I'm a sucker for comfort food!!
Actually my feet, hips & knees have been much less painful lately & I can only put that down to not carrying so much extra blubber around. I have a small frame so I don't look huge but obviously shouldn't weigh so much (11 stone 7 at the start).
B****y shoes still not here ... ringing them tomorrow! ;o))
30 Sep, 2010
LOL, Fluff, green tea will forever remind of my daughters student days, one of her flat-mates drank it all the time, to the point where the inside of the mug turned green ! She's still a skinny girl. I weigh about the same as you and have never been so heavy, think of it as an age thing. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it !
30 Sep, 2010
Hmmm ... trouble is my weight was just creeping up & up! I'm not aiming to be a size 10 again by any means but when 16s don't fit I begin to panic! ;o)
30 Sep, 2010
In that case, a little piece of crusty bread and a spoonful of Eton mess for you ... lol ! You'll be fine, just cut down on yummy food, I know it's easier said than done.
30 Sep, 2010
Fluff, I wish you great success and motivation with your weight loss plan. I have disappointed myself as I've regained all 6 stone that I lost about 3 yrs. ago. I just cannot get back into dieting or healthy eating like I had the enthusiasm for last time I was successful. It's a lifelong mess!
It can be done though....so all the best Fluff. I can well understand how much better your joints are feeling with the weight loss. Well done....try not to overdo it with the dinner....hard I know.
I'm reckoning on the garden keeping me out of mischief with food....another interest to keep me occupied :) And I've got ideas coming out of every pore of my body with all the great advice, plants etc. on here so garden here I come! lol
30 Sep, 2010
Ha ha Shirley ... I think I'll abandon the meringue & cream for all of us!
I've given up fried food, pastry,sugar & anything else bad so fingers crossed! :o))
Thanks Whistonlass ... weight is a lifelong bugbear isn't it?!
I wouldn't mind but it's so easy going on & soooooo hard to shift!!
I was quite good with dinner & we had fresh fruit berries for pud with a vodka jelly! Hic!
Sorry to hear you struggle with weight too ... it takes a lot of willpower ... but the garden will help as you say!! :o))
2 Oct, 2010
So nice to have your encouraging message, Fluff. Yes it's so easy going on and sooooo hard to shift!
Been out in the garden (with hubby too) today and we've been lopping the overgrown apple tree and cutting back a lot of the ivy...spent 3 hours out there and enjoyed it. Managed to work up a sweat....that should be good for 1/2 lb. off....simples! lol
Keep your resolve, Fluff...you will do great. :)
2 Oct, 2010
:o) xx
2 Oct, 2010
They've finally arrived so put a couple of pics on ... they make me an inch taller!!
Sooooo comfy ... fine to walk on ... had them on all day ... here's hoping! :o)
3 Oct, 2010
Well...cause for celebration Fluff :) Do keep us updated...sure hope they are your answer...you've had a long-ish wait for them.
3 Oct, 2010
Brilliant news ... worth the wait ... you'll feel like you're floating on air in them !
3 Oct, 2010
Whooohooo!! :o)))
3 Oct, 2010
see you down the potting shed later vodkas to celebrate LOL :0))
3 Oct, 2010
LOL, Fluff is already floating high enough ! : o ))
3 Oct, 2010
Hey hey ... mine's a large one Tulsa ... I'll get the OH to carry me in case I fall off my shoes!
3 Oct, 2010
Hi Fluff. Rockers look very snazzy and a height booster too. I found I could reach things in the cupboards better. They remind me of some sandals I had in the seventies. My tootsies have always been at their most cosy for moving about in a really good pair of Hi Tech clompy walking shoes I bought ages ago, no longer able to use for that, as GJ not well now. Take them off.... and back to the hobbling, if I'm having a bad foot day. Responding to your blog has reminded me about them, and they are going to become gardening shoes, as my old pair have disintegrating soles. If you do the garden in them, make sure you don't tilt face down into the shrubbery!!!!!
4 Oct, 2010
Hello Dorjac ... I've worn them all day today walking along the seafront & back so they've had a good trial.
They're really comfy if a bit hot & heavy on this wonderfully sunny day & my legs are aching well so maybe they're doing some good!
Your Hi Techs will make grand gardening shoes I would imagine ... as comfy as old slippers!
If you hear a muffled squawk from the shrubbery you know what happened! ;o)
4 Oct, 2010
Hi Fluff, only just picked this blog up. I too am overweight and have had both plantar fascietis and achilles tendonitis in recent years although I do walk a lot. Both went as mysteriously as they arrived - the docs dont seem to know what causes them. I wanted to tell you that I live in fitflops both summer and winter and find them very good. There are quite a few winter versions now, but they are more like clogs to look at and not so much use in the rain. There are boots too, but I must warn you they are expensive! Have a look on the website.
I hope you continue to get on well with your new ones.
5 Oct, 2010
Cheers Rachelsmum ... I wore them to work all day today & they were fine. My legs are aching so maybe they are doing something!
I think I'll get some fitflops in the spring as my right foot is really quite 'damaged' from all the standing & has got very wide. I'm just hoping these Shape Ups are wide enough.
5 Oct, 2010
Hi Fluff just doing catch up on the subject of feet. I had a long yomp, once off the bus to have a blood test yesterday. Walked all the way back home in the Skechers. They really are good once you get used to them. I hope your feet are less painful.
23 Nov, 2010
Thanks Dorjac ... yes the Skechers are amazingly comfy!
I'm still having a few probs with one foot but that was nerve damage that happened before I discovered the shoes.
I'm totally used to them now & they make my working day much more tolerable!
23 Nov, 2010
I'm pleased to read that your Skechers are helping, Fluff. It had gone from my mind that you had problems so I'm pleased Dorjac has referred to it here.
I can understand how much better your working days will be now that you have relief and comfort for your aching feet.
23 Nov, 2010
Aw thanks Whistonlass ... our feet are everything aren't they & if they hurt it affects the whole day. I certainly don't notice I'm on a hard floor all day now! :o)
28 Nov, 2010
Like standing on 2 sponges and you can rock and stretch the calf muscle too. Warmer as well I should think.
28 Nov, 2010
Oh definitely ... especially these last few days dorjac!
28 Nov, 2010
Am very interested in feet problems. My foot doctor told me to do the Joggers warm-up exercise, Place hands against wall, step back and stretch one leg back with heel on ground (Very important): with back leg stretched, heel down, stretch calf muscle and hold 30sec. Do this three times, and switch legs. This helped me over time, I sympathize with you! I cannot tell you how many shoes I have in my closet to fix this dratted problem. We call those shoes "waves" and we do have that shoe pictured. I found the extreme shoe too difficult to manage. Is your ankle strong? I have tried many different things for unexplained foot pain. No one thing works, I found. But a combination should ease the pain. I finally ended up taking Lyrica and Cymbalta. (together) That did it. But you know, the Americans are very apt to get into drug therapy. I still do a lot with the Holistic approach. I hope this will help. Whoops, forgot to tell you, stand on your tiptoes while at sink etc. If you need more tips, let me know. It takes a lot of work...
20 May, 2012
I am sorry to say that recently 2/12/11 I broke the inside bone my left ankle in a 'staircase slither' with my husband....we both landed in hospital!. Some weeks before that I had a terrible pain in the outside of my left ankle while wearing the Skechers rocker type shoe. How I got home I do not know. I had used these rockers off and on for about 2-3 years. I started wearing another type of Skechers without an obvious thick sole, Tone Ups, but relying on an inherent instability within the sole. As I recovered the left sided ankle pain became very persistent. Now I am back to my inserts and the pain instantly cleared up. Not returned so far. So beware that your ankle joint may not like the unusual pressures put on it by prolonged use of this type of footwear. Plantar fasciitis is a long time enemy of my right foot and this type of shoe is a great help but I just can't win!
21 May, 2012
ankles are very difficult to heal and very necessary, for the feet come next. The only thing worse than sore feet is no feet at all!
21 May, 2012
This is very true Wells. No one is interested in feet apart from podiatrist, and then I found they argued among themselves over what treatment should be given. No one admits to flat feet. One of those boring and embarrassing complaints. Yet there is reams of it on the internet. No one likes tottering along on painful tootsies. There are some very pricey foot inserts out there too.
21 May, 2012
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I do know someone who uses them (or something very similar by Sketchers) and she is very happy with them but, like you say, said they took some getting used to. Go for it :)
17 Sep, 2010