Autum in Hungary.
By galest
This is my busiest time of the year as its now time to plant more fruit trees as they only sell them here in October. It ceases to amaze me how cheap they are – a 3 year old tree ranges from 2.75 to 3.20 depending where you go hence we have 19 fruit trees, at that price if it dies you just buy another next year and I certainly cant resist a bargain. The weather has been good this month as ive been able to get out every day so far except one. The beginning of the month it was still in the mid 70s but this past week its been misty and cold but an extra jumper soon sorts that problem out.
Most of the birds have left now and theres only blue tits one lonely nuthatch and sparrows feeding at the tables. Now and again I hear the woodpeckers but they wont come to feed until its really cold probably mid Jan.
Ive finally cleared up all the leaves and they are in the new place I made for them so hopefully plenty of leaf mould next Autumn. Ive moved all the shrubs that grew too big or were in the wrong place and planted all my bulbs – 200 this year but it getting now that when I dig a hole there, looking up at me are old bulbs starting to shoot so I must mark out where the spaces are next Spring (but I did say that last year)
Tomorrow I must dig the holes for the new roses that my Husband will bring at Christmas, I have to do it now and cover it with sacking as the ground cld be frozen solid when he comes and I know from past years it wont thaw till next Feb or March. Also the grass will get its last cut for this year and then I can get on with digging over the veg garden. I doubt wether I will get it finished before the snows come as its dark by 4.15 now but it will be less to do in Spring.
Cant wait for next week as the new plants I bought from the UK shld arrive.
24 Nov, 2012
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Yes there are probably cheaper than a perennial in the UK. Funny thing is they come from Holland where alot of the ones in the UK come from so I think they price them according to how much the people of that country can afford - thats the only explanation I can come up with.
24 Nov, 2012
Welcome to Grows on You :o)
I always made leaf mould when I lived near trees. It was good stuff to use in the garden. I hope you'll have lots.
25 Nov, 2012
Well I have a 60ft plus poplar tree next doors wretched Walnut trees leaves (the wind never seems to blow them the other way) plus all my own trees and shrubs and I cld always take next doors leaves off them as here everyone just burns them. I dont think the art of making leaf mould has reached Hungary yet but then again alot of things havent. Sometimes I think im living back in the late 50s which in alot ways is great but can also be very frustrating when you cant find simple things that we take for granted.
26 Nov, 2012
If they burn the leaves, I would think the ash is also good for the garden ...
I don't like modern times ... it's too rushed and too complicated :o( Although I think there are some things I'd miss, like Grows on You lol !
26 Nov, 2012
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All interesting stuff - its good to hear how gardeners go on in other countries. I know what yo mean about neglecting to mark where you planted the bulbs - every year resolutions to do it get broken... What amazing prices those fruit trees are!
24 Nov, 2012