Chrispook's Garden
Acer Ginnala
Genus: Acer.
Species: Acer ginnala.
Something really enjoys eating the leaves of this tree! Could be leaf cutter bees.
Planted seeds late 2007 in pots. Came up nicely. By August 3 good sizs, 1 a bit smaller and 2 weedy ones. Will plant out the decent ones, maybe by fence near Aucubas, and near wall (Acer bed) after moving Kniphofias. Other possibilities are side garden and willow bed.
Photos of this plant
Reminders for this plant
Due over 16 years ago:
Plant out baby trees
Put 1 in front of new clematis near fence. Put 1 near workshop in new bed. (Could move Kniphofia). Another possible place is near berberis or somewhere in that area.