The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Chrispook's Garden

Chrispook has added 0 reminders.

Plants Order by common name | botanical name | most recent

01. Views of top garden at back

Added on 5 Feb, 2008 | 88 photos

Here are some more general views of the top area of our back garden.

02. Views of lower garden

Added on 15 Feb, 2008 | 41 photos

We inherited this part of the garden as an orchard. Some of the fruit trees are very old. We have cherries, plum...

03. Views of front garden

Added on 15 Feb, 2008 | 67 photos

We re-vamped the front garden in 2007. We divided into two sections. One end is a problem because it has a big g...

04. Round patio area

Added on 15 Feb, 2008 | 10 photos

We had the patio and path built in summer 2005, which was when we started creating our garden. This is shady for...

05. Side garden

Added on 15 Feb, 2008 | 19 photos

This area is where my washing line is. We have planted shrubs at the side which will eventually provide screenin...

06. Pig house and work area.

Added on 15 Feb, 2008 | 12 photos

When we had the garden cleared the workmen thought we were crazy because we wanted to leave the old pig house in...

07. Views of Terrace

Added on 15 Feb, 2008 | 20 photos

This is a concreted area just outside our door, with railings. We keep a number of containers to provide winter ...

08. Conifer beds

Added on 14 Mar, 2008 | 22 photos

Started in March 2008. Gradually adding more conifers. Plan to cover with bark.
Finished barking on Easter Mond...

09. Garden parties

Added on 8 Aug, 2008 | 16 photos

10 Garden wildlife

Added on 20 Aug, 2008 | 42 photos

I now realise I need a wildlife section since we so often take shots of them. Now I have to trace the photos.

11. Garden ponds.

Added on 20 Aug, 2008 | 36 photos

I have now decided to keep the ponds in a section of their own.

12. Garden path views

Added on 18 Jul, 2009 | 41 photos

13. Garden Arches

Added on 18 Jul, 2009 | 30 photos

Abutilon bella

Added on 19 Sep, 2008 | 5 photos

Genus: Abutilon.
Species: Abutilon bella.

Bought in Auchan in Sept 2008. Internet says may not be very hardy. South wall recommended. Try front garden nea...

Acer Ginnala

Added on 1 Feb, 2008 | 9 photos

Genus: Acer.
Species: Acer ginnala.

Something really enjoys eating the leaves of this tree! Could be leaf cutter bees.
Planted seeds late 2007 in p...

Acer platanoides Drummondii

Added on 3 Feb, 2008 | 4 photos

Genus: Acer.
Species: Acer platanoides.

New tree planted summer 2007. Watered like crazy in heat. Has healthy looking buds for Spring 2008.
Lovely in S...


Added on 17 Jun, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Achillea.
Species: Achillea millefolium.

Bought a pink one from Dallas Kert on 16th June 2008. Planted in center of willow bed. Settled in and grew well...


Added on 19 May, 2009 | 4 photos

Genus: Agapanthus.
Species: Agapanthus africanus.

Given to me by neighbour in 2007. No flowers in 2008. 2 buds on May 19th 2009. Exciting!! In pot in front garden...


Added on 14 Oct, 2008 | 3 photos

Genus: Ageratum.
Species: Ageratum houstonianum.

Seeds sown rather late in 2008 (late June). Eventually flowered in October.


Added on 1 Feb, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Ailanthus.
Species: Ailanthus altissima.

This just appeared in 2007. Moved to more central position at neighbours rrequest. Survived move. Also have 2 s...

Ajuga Reptans

Added on 4 Feb, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Ajuga.
Species: Ajuga reptans.

Very successful ground cover. Nice reddish purple leaves.


Added on 4 Feb, 2008 | 3 photos

Genus: Allium.
Species: Allium ostrowskianum.

planted a number small ones in 2006, and 2 big ones 2007. We wait to see how they do.

Allium Aflatunense

Added on 17 Sep, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Allium.
Species: Allium aflatunense.

Pack of 5 bought in Holland. Put in pink bed near fence. 60cm tall. 2008.
Pack of 3 bought in Bauhaus (sale) Se...

Allium Albopilosum

Added on 14 May, 2008 | 5 photos

Genus: Allium.
Species: Allium albopilosum.

Planted in 2007. Bulbs bought in Hungary. Both came up with big flowers.

Allium Bulgaricum

Added on 30 Sep, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Allium.
Species: Allium bulgaricum.

Pack of 6 bought in Auchan Sept 2008. Ht 80-100cm. Flowers in May. 3 planted in Mulberry bed in gaps where fusch...

Allium Ivory Queen

Added on 8 Oct, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Allium.
Species: Allium Ivory Queen.

Dwarf alliums 6" tall, but big heads. 5 in pack from Tescos in Oct 2008. 2 planted in woodland bed behind c...

Allium neapolitanum

Added on 8 Sep, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Allium.
Species: Allium neapolitanum.

Small white Allium bought in mixed pack white bulbs from Auchan. Planted Sept 2009 in group in blue bed at front...

Alyssum (dark pink)

Added on 11 Apr, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Lobularia.
Species: Lobularia maritima.

Seeds sown in small bed around rose on April 9th 2008.


Added on 4 Feb, 2008 | 6 photos

Genus: Amaranth.
Species: Amaranthus paniculatus.

I grew this for first time in 2007. It flowered from early July until the frosts came. Together with the claret ...


Added on 4 Feb, 2008 | 13 photos

Genus: Anemone.
Species: Anemone de Caen.

Most seem to be white spring flowering, in shady patio bed.
Red ones coming out now in February 2008 for first...

Anemone Blanda

Added on 17 Sep, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Anemone.
Species: Anemone blanda.

pak of 10 white ones bought in Holland. Some planted in new bed under walnut tree, and some near path in red ros...

Antirrhinum [snapdragon]

Added on 4 Feb, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Antirrhinum.
Species: Antirrhinum majus.

These antirrinums overwintered and then flowered. Much better show than photo shows.
March 26th 2008 seeds sown...

Aquilegia [Columbine]

Added on 6 Feb, 2008 | 4 photos

Genus: Aquilegia.
Species: Aquilegia caerulia.

I raise about 7 from seed in 2007. Pretty lilac variety. Wait till 2008 to see what they look like. Flowered nic...

Aster [Michealmas daisy]

Added on 4 Feb, 2008 | 4 photos

Genus: Aster.
Species: Aster frikartii.

Make a lovely luminous show in the Autumn. Sorry they don't last very long. Mine are also prone to mildew.

Aster Chinensis Moonshine

Added on 9 Aug, 2008 | 3 photos

Genus: Aster.
Species: Aster chinensis (moonshine).

Grew about 3 plants only from seed in 2007. Thankfully I had one selfseed in 2008. Try to save seed this year. ...


Added on 3 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Astilbe.
Species: Astilbe granat.

Planted in side garden near small tamarisk. March 2008.
This one did not flower in first year. I think it needs...


Added on 12 Feb, 2008 | 3 photos

Species: Aubretia Aureovariagata.

I have a cute little aubretia planted next to Lavender. It has not grown very much in 2 years. I can't find ...


Added on 2 Feb, 2008 | 4 photos

Genus: Aucuba.
Species: Aucuba japonica.

Three shrubs planted 2006. Growing slowly but steadily. Badly affeated by severe winter in early 2006. Since the...

Autumn Crocus

Added on 10 Sep, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Colchicum.
Species: Colchicum autumnale.

Bought 2 bulbs (500+ F each) from tesco on 9th Sept 2009 . White Autumn crocus. Planted at central end of red be...


Added on 13 Apr, 2009 | 3 photos

Genus: Rhododendron.
Species: Rhododendron ponticum.

A beautiful white azalia with a red edge to the flowers. It was given to me by the Timisoara modular team in Apr...


Added on 2 Feb, 2008 | 6 photos

Two since 2007, Dwarf variegated one in mediteranean garden, and taller green stemmed one near pond.

Basil sweet

Added on 12 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Species: Basil sweet Genovese.

sown in pot for kitchen window sill on August 12th 2008. Free seeds. Sow and crop all year.

Bearded Iris

Added on 24 Apr, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Iris.
Species: Iris germanica.

I have a lot of these in my garden. They tolerate our conditions very well.


Added on 11 Feb, 2008 | 5 photos

Genus: Bellis.
Species: Bellis perennis.

Bought 3 new Bellis to help brighten up the terrace in cold bleak February when Spring is still a hope.


Added on 2 Feb, 2008 | 1 photo

Species: Berberberis Atropurea.

Large shrub at side of house. In situ on our arrival.

Bergenia cordifolia

Added on 5 Mar, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Bergenia.
Species: Bergenia cordifolia.

Planted near path in bed next to rockery. It is now 2 years old (March 2008)

Betula Pendula

Added on 2 Feb, 2008 | 5 photos

Five planted 2006. Two died in heat 2007. We also think that the roots were attacked by Maybug larvae. Other tre...


Added on 3 Feb, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Vaccinium.
Species: Vaccinium corymbosum.

Planted in 2007. Conditions not ideal. We will see how it does.

Boston Ivy

Added on 1 Feb, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Parthenocissus.
Species: Parthenocissus tricuspidata.

Growing around entrance to old pig house. GOING LIKE A TRAIN. COVERING ROOF IN 2008.


Added on 18 Apr, 2009 | 9 photos

Genus: Brugmansia.
Species: Brugmansia suaveolens.

Also known as Angels Trumpets. 3 bought from Dallaskert 0n 18th April 2009. Planted in front garden in yellow, p...


Added on 2 Feb, 2008 | 13 photos

Genus: Buddleja.
Species: Buddleja davidii.

Three types:- Black Knight, Blue?, and white.. White new plant summer 2007. Blue in since 2006. Seem to do well ...


Added on 5 Dec, 2011 | 0 photos

Species: Cactus given to us by a neighbour in 2010. Planted in stone garden at front of house. It had some very nice flowers in summer 2011.Opuntia compressa (Eastern Prickly Pear).

Callestephus [annual aster]

Added on 4 Feb, 2008 | 11 photos

Genus: Callestephus.
Species: Callestephus chinesis.

These self seed freely and have helped to fill our garden.
9th March 2008. 2 packets seed, present from Alona, ...


Added on 19 Sep, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Calluna.
Species: Calluna vulgaris.

Bought 2 from Auchan on 19th SEpt 2008. To go in front garden with plenty of compost. Use ericacious feed.


Added on 8 May, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Camassia.
Species: Camassia esculenta.

Bulbs from Sainsbury's. Planted Autumn 2007.


Added on 12 Feb, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Campanula.
Species: Campanula carpatica.

I have one growing in shady spot under the Buddlea.
This plant looks like it's been eaten.
2 new ones boug...

Campsis Radicans. Trumpet vine.

Added on 2 Feb, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Campsis.
Species: Campsis radicans.

2 new plants in 2007. Grew quite well. Expecting good growth in 2008.
I decided to move these 2 plants from the...


Added on 2 Jun, 2008 | 3 photos

Genus: Iberis.
Species: Iberis sempervirens.

Seeds sown in 2007. A lot self seeded and now I have lots of candytuft. The second year plants are sturdier.


Added on 4 Feb, 2008 | 4 photos

Genus: Canna.
Species: Canna indica.

They grow well here, and the original 2 have multiplied. I take the tubers in for the winter. Just bought a yell...

Caragana arborescens "Walker"

Added on 2 Feb, 2008 | 3 photos

Species: Caragana arborescens "Walker".

Weeping standard planted 2007. Grew steadily in 2008.

Caragana. Pea Tree

Added on 6 Mar, 2008 | 6 photos

Species: Caragana arborescens pendula.

We bought this on 5th March from "FUFAVIRAG" garden centre. If anyone reads this who does not speak Hu...


Added on 2 Feb, 2008 | 4 photos

Genus: Caryopteris.
Species: Caryopteris clandonensis.

Planted 2005. 2 shrubs together. Flowered well for past 2 years.
Propagated offshoots in Autumn 2007 to round P...


Added on 16 Nov, 2010 | 1 photo

Genus: Cestrum.
Species: Cestrum elegans.

Bought in Aldi in early Summer 2010. Tropical and tender. Taken indoors before frost in 2010. See what happens.

Chamaecyparis lawsonia

Added on 7 Mar, 2008 | 3 photos

Species: Chameocyparis lawsonia.

Quite a few in my garden, blue ones, gold ones.
10th March. Chameocyparis lawsonia stewartii planted in new con...

Cherry tree

Added on 5 Feb, 2008 | 4 photos

This tree fruited well in July 2007. It was very old and deformed and is the woodpeckers favourite tree. It appe...


Added on 4 Feb, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Chionodoxa.
Species: Chionodoxa luciliae.

Bulbs planted 2006. Seem to do quite well.


Added on 4 Feb, 2008 | 15 photos

Genus: Chrysanthemum.
Species: Chrysanthemum maximowiczii.

I have white, yellow and pink of the small flowered bushy variety. Mostly passed over the fence by our neighbour...


Added on 17 Sep, 2008 | 1 photo

Species: Senacio Cineraria.

Bought 3 from Baumax in early SEpt 2008. To put in red bad. I bought it as a perennial but Wikipedia says it is ...

Clematis "The President

Added on 14 Apr, 2008 | 6 photos

Genus: Clematis.
Species: Clematis The President.

Bought from Bauhaus on April 14th 2008. Planted on arch in front garden. Managed 2 flowers in first summer which...

Clematis Hagley Hybrid

Added on 4 Aug, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Clematis.
Species: Clematis Hagley Hybrid.

Planted in front garden in 2007. 2 flowers in 2007, and one in 2008. Hoping for more flowers next year. Very hid...

Clematis montana "Rubens"

Added on 14 Apr, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Clematis.
Species: Clematis montana.

New plant bought from Bauhaus on 14th April 2008. To go in front garden on fence near wall. Grew well in summer ...

Clematis niobe

Added on 2 Feb, 2008 | 8 photos

Genus: Clematis.
Species: Clematis niobe.

A purplish/reddish one called "Niobe". Planted 2006.

Clematis Piilu

Added on 7 Jul, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Clematis.
Species: Clematis piilu.

Bought 1 plant from Dallaskert om July 6th 2009. Acc to lable pretty pinky/violet with whitish area around edges...

Clematis Ville de Lyon

Added on 9 Aug, 2008 | 3 photos

Genus: Clematis.
Species: Clematis.

Bought on 8th August 2008 from Auchan. Pink clematis. Price 1,790 F.
Growing up willow stump. First flower seen...

Clematis xerxes

Added on 3 Aug, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Clematis.
Species: clematis xerxes.

Bought from Baumax on 3rd August 2008. May put near neighbours fence. Will be very shady at base but can climb i...

Cleome [spider flower]

Added on 4 Feb, 2008 | 5 photos

Genus: Cleome.
Species: Cleome hassleriana.

I bought some seeds from my sisters garden in UK. A few survived, and in a part shaded spot they made a glorious...

Commelina coelestis

Added on 10 Mar, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Commelina.
Species: Commelina coelestis.

!0th March 2008. 2 planted in front Magnolia in stone bed and 3 more in other beds (all labelled. Need to be tak...


Added on 4 Feb, 2008 | 3 photos

Genus: Coreopsis.
Species: Coreopsis goldfink.

Nice little perennial. I think I lost 1 plant in summer heat in 2007.

Coriander cilantro

Added on 12 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Species: Coriander cilantro.

Sown on Aug 12th 2008 in pots for windowsill. Free seeds from MR F.


Added on 14 May, 2008 | 5 photos

Genus: Centaurea.
Species: Centaurea cyanus.

Grew from seed in 2007. Self seeded in front garden in 2008.
Another packet of free seeds from AG, "Blue b...

Cortaderia [Pampas grass]

Added on 4 Feb, 2008 | 3 photos

Genus: Cortaderia.
Species: Cortaderia selloana.

I've got 2 young ones. 1 planted 2006 and 1 in 2007. They both managed 1 flower each last year, but sadly th...

Corylus (Hazel)

Added on 14 Feb, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Corylus.
Species: Corylus avellana.

Small tree planted Autumn 2007. Not the corkscrew type. No pics yet.


Added on 4 Feb, 2008 | 9 photos

Genus: Cosmos.
Species: Cosmos bipinnatus.

Made a very pretty display when it finally flowered. Looked good with purple dahlia and Juniper skyrocket.

Cotinus. Smoke bush

Added on 2 Feb, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Cotinus.
Species: Cotinus coggygria.

2 new shrubs in 2007. Said to like poor soil so should be happy here. Good growth so far. pretty Autumn colour.


Added on 2 Feb, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Cotoneaster.
Species: Cotoneaster horizontalis.

Planted horizontal type in 2005 in bed under Mulberry tree.. Grew very fast. Too big so moved it to bank at side...


Added on 4 Feb, 2008 | 3 photos

I have Spring and Autumn flowering types. Many colours. They always cause great excitement when they begin to sh...

Crocus botanica

Added on 25 Feb, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Crocus.
Species: crocus botanica.

White crocus planted 2006.
Pack of 50 mixed bought Sept 2008 from Baumax in Debrecen. Planted in new areas of s...

Crocus chrysanthus (blue pearl)

Added on 25 Feb, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Crocus.
Species: Crocus chrysanthus.

Planted 2006 in front garden.

Crocus chrysanthus (snow bunting)

Added on 28 Feb, 2008 | 5 photos

Genus: Crocus.
Species: Crocus chrysanthus.

Planted 2007, in pot on terrace, also front yellow bed.
2009. 15 bulbs in mixed pack white bulbs planted in blu...

Crocus Chrysanthus Cream beauty

Added on 8 Sep, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Crocus.
Species: Crocus chrysanthus.

15 cream crocus bought from Auchan Sept 2009 and planted in yellow bed all around the end near the central path.

Crocus chrysanthus mixed

Added on 11 Sep, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Crocus.
Species: Crocus chrysanthus.

3 packs (60 bulbs) mixed crocus bought cheap in Bauhaus (290f). Planted around sundial, and along edge of path. ...

Crocus chrysanthus Prins Claus

Added on 8 Sep, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Crocus.
Species: Crocus chrysanthus.

Pretty crocus, white inside and mauve outside of petals. Pack 15 bought Auchan in Sept 2009 (Holland Park) and p...

Crocus Flavus

Added on 11 Sep, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Crocus.
Species: Crocus flavus.

Pack of 20 bought in Bauhaus. Planted in most beds along edge of path and some in rockeries.

Crocus Jean d'arc

Added on 29 Sep, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Crocus.
Species: Crocus Jean d'arc.

15 white crocus fro Harmonia pack bought Sept 2008. Planted around edges in red, pink and blue beds at front.

Crocus Pickwick

Added on 30 Sep, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Crocus.
Species: Crocus pickwick.

Pack 15 bought Sept 30th in Auchan. 10cm tall, flowers Feb. Pale lilacy stripe flower. Similar to Vernus but ear...

Crocus speciosus

Added on 25 Feb, 2008 | 3 photos

Genus: Crocus.
Species: Crocus speciosus.

Autumn crocus. Planted summer 2007.

Crocus Tommasinianus

Added on 28 Feb, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Crocus.
Species: Crocus tommasinianus.

Small crocus. Mixed bulbs planted around wildlife pond.

Crocus Vernus

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 3 photos

Genus: Crocus.
Species: Crocus vernus.

Planted Autumn 2007 in front garden and pots.
20 new bulbs bought in Sept 2008 from Cora in Bucharest (plain pu...

Crocus Weiss

Added on 30 Sep, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Crocus.
Species: Crocus weiss.

Pack of 15 white crocus bought in Bauhaus on Sept 30th 2008. For pots on terrace. 10cm tall, flowers March/April.


Added on 19 Sep, 2008 | 4 photos

Genus: Cyclamen.
Species: Cyclamen.

Bough 2 pink hopefully hardy cyclamen from Bauhaus on 19th Sept 2008. To put in woodland bed.
2009 No sign of t...