Ladybird and their Lava
This is a story of birth and adult hood.... of an insect lol...
This Year I've noticed a great increase on the ladybird population...
Harlequin Ladybird?
I found this in my kitchen tonight. I have looked at the Harlequin Ladybird Survey website and sent them photo's to verify....
A Ladybird Pedia Page .....
Im Small & Pretty so some say & you`l sometimes see me out on a Warm Sunny Day,
Also good for your garden cause i...
A Talking Ladybird !!!!!!!!!!!
Dont be to tidy in the Garden a Ladybird Z 2 Me!
Leave it Nice & Messy like the Pic`s you`l see ?
I hide to survive...
Ladybird plague? where are mine?
Apparently there's a ladybird plague in Norfolk & Somerset!
Have a look at this:-
Homes for bugs in the winter.
Here are some bug homes for them to overwinter
Ladybird home.
Just old plantpot lined with kitchen foil, thought...