Homes for bugs in the winter.
By clarice
Here are some bug homes for them to overwinter
Ladybird home.
Just old plantpot lined with kitchen foil, thought it may keep a bit of heat in then differant size bamboo canes pushed in.
Lemonade bottle with corrigated cardboard in it.
This is how the bottle looks inside, when you have rolled cardboard up init.
I did these bug homes a couple of years ago, not sure if they have been used, dont like creepy crawlers so wont touch them, like ladybirds but there may be some other insect init.
19 Jan, 2009
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It would, but like i say i dont like creepy crawlers so wont disterb them incase something runs out, then it will be me running out the way.
19 Jan, 2009
Thats a good idea Clarice... i left some small empty baskets and upturned flower pots up the top of my garden by the pond.....
19 Jan, 2009
Good blog, Clarice !
You have some really inventive ideas for bug homes. :o)
The photos certainly bring the blog to life.
Well done :o)
19 Jan, 2009
Thats a good idea Clarice , we made one similar to your top photo which has since broken up , so I will be copying your way of doing it .........
19 Jan, 2009
Fab Ideas Clarice this is going in2 Garden Insects Page where every1 can see it Over & Over as its got some fantastic Information On Helping Important Insects which im sure Many Members think is great :)
19 Jan, 2009
All the ideas i have picked up from going to alot of garden shows, there is usually always a stall that as wildlife in the garden. Oh by the way if any body did'nt see gardening with wildlife the are showing them again on BBC1 on sunday teatime.
19 Jan, 2009
great blog Clarice. inexpensive way of making insect homes.
thats why i really miss Geoff Hamiltion, he always came up with some good gardening ideas that didnt cost a lot .
19 Jan, 2009
Brilliant ideas Clarice.Especially like your inventivenesss in this credit crunch ...all costing next to nothing.The boxes they sell in garden centres cost so much and sure yours do the job just as well !
19 Jan, 2009
Brilliant ideas....I think I shall have to get Ray to do something at the weekend with some bamboo canes that are short and have a go ourselves. Thanks for the ideas
19 Jan, 2009
im going2get some Corrigated Cardboard from the Tesco Paper Bin they push around the store when they Pack their shelves & Stuff in2 Cola Bottles :)
19 Jan, 2009
Great blog, Clarice, and brilliant ideas. Definitely going to copy some of them.
19 Jan, 2009
Well done Clarice. Very good ideas. I'm going to have to try some of these in my garden.
20 Jan, 2009
The bottles with the cardboard in i've got about half dozen here & there in different parts of my garden.
20 Jan, 2009
Lovely idea clarice, I am a great recycler, so i have lots of plastic bottles. I also use a plastic bottle as a slug repellent for my delphiniums, or any small plants. I cut the top off nearest the wide part, turn it upside down and put it over the plant till it gets a bit bigger. you can also cut the top of where the cap is, then cut the bottom part, not too far down, and place the top part into a hanging basket, into the soil, you just fill the bottle up with water.
Gail x
20 Jan, 2009
Great ideas I think I'll try them. I haven't seen a ladybird for years. I try to grow nettles because they like them too.
22 Jan, 2009
Hello Clarice, this is brilliant that you have put so much effort into looking after the insects over winter, I'm sure your garden will reap the benefits too.
22 Jan, 2009
omg i like pooy testicles
21 Jan, 2011
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Great ideas, Clarice - I've seen something like the canes fastened close together at the GC for quite a price - and you've spent nothing and created your own! I am sure they'll work well. Interesting to find out which insects use them, though!
19 Jan, 2009