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xmas decoration


By Irish

xmas decoration

the ladies approved of this decoration

Comments on this photo


LOL Its Lovely Eileen, Very Pretty Bird House :)

15 Dec, 2008


thanks Jacque,
i think its a bit rude of the ladies to have their hats on in the house dont you ?

15 Dec, 2008


Why yes come2think of it i agree :) lol

15 Dec, 2008


very nice ... I don,t suppose you could persuade Benny to sit on it to complete the picture .....:)

15 Dec, 2008


you never know Amy, he is getting closer and closer each day

15 Dec, 2008


great, I like it

15 Dec, 2008


thanks Deida

15 Dec, 2008


I have a similar one, Irish,....I love the look...

16 Dec, 2008


oooh yes i do really like this, i saw a cookoo clock yesterday that was a bit simular but with out the stand, was very tempted, but managed to behave myself, lol will it stand out side in the summer?

16 Dec, 2008


think i might just put it away after christmas with all the other decorations

16 Dec, 2008


Benny would just be the icing on the cake Irish lol

16 Dec, 2008


need to make some too before spring...but want a birdy tennants

16 Jan, 2009

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