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The terrible two


By Philip

The terrible two

Two of my three cats Winston in front Ringo behind.

Comments on this photo


Well-trained cats I'd say.

They could give dogs some useful hints about a good sit-stay!

29 Aug, 2008


If only it were true. belive me they are both hooligans.

29 Aug, 2008


Does Ringo have a white ring near the end of his tail?

Maybe there's an earlier photo of this which I've missed?

29 Aug, 2008


Yes a perfect white ring rond the tip of his tale.

29 Aug, 2008


Fabulous. Love ringos special tail. Love all three of the cats, scrumptuous felines.
Lynne x

29 Aug, 2008


What a beautiful family you have Philip!

2 Sep, 2008


We love them to bits.

5 Sep, 2008


My.... they are a handsome pair ! I just love their markings. They do look alittle Winston's trying to look innocent, and Ringo, well he looks like he just doesn't care if he gets caught in the cookie jar of not.! Great photo !

20 Sep, 2008

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