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Dahlia exhibit
By Amblealice
- 20 Sep, 2010
A friend won a silver medal at Harrogate Autumn Flower Show with this superb exhibit!
Comments on this photo
He did indeed....It was fortunate we took thiis pic with his medal as they had not been dished out when he was there.......
20 Sep, 2010
Beautiful selection, I like the pale yellow ones very much. Congratulations to him.
20 Sep, 2010
The yellow ones are part of another exhibit Shirley....I should have said which ones, sorry.......the two red ones with the pale pink in the middle....the three vases....
20 Sep, 2010
i love dahlias and i cant understand why florists dont sell them.
20 Nov, 2010
It could be that once they are cut, the blooms have a relatively short life and soon look bedraggled. A lot of the "prettier" varieties have very thick stems, in some cases an inch at least in diameter! they need to be carefully "split" in order to release water from their very hollow really a good contender for the florist to deal with....
20 Nov, 2010
thanks amblealice, i did wonder cos they are such spectacular flowers
20 Nov, 2010
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Didn't he do well Alice :-)
20 Sep, 2010