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My new Pileostegia has flowered!
By Spritzhenry
- 10 Sep, 2008
It isn't very tall yet so I was surprised to find it in bloom.
Comments on this photo
No, Amy, it's a climber. Only it's small at the moment and hasn't started clinging to the wall!
11 Sep, 2008
Thanks ,
11 Sep, 2008
This looks as though it could be the answer to my search for a self-clinging climber on a north-facing fence (I already have the other Hydrangea petiolaris). Do you think it would survive dry shade Barbara? Thanks.
27 Sep, 2011
Photo 53 of 212
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This photo is of "Pileostegia viburnoides" in Spritzhenry's garden
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I don,t think i,ve seen one of these Spritz is it a shrub ? I cant see it in my book
11 Sep, 2008