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The wet season downunder: Hubbie's rather ugly diversionary wall seems to be working.
By Bernieh

29 Jan, 2010
Comments on this photo
if it does the job.....
29 Jan, 2010
It certainly has been doing the job Sandra!
GT ... it's just bedrock in the section in front of the little wall ... we'd have to build up a garden bed and that would require watering ... that's a big deal when you're trying to keep what you've already got growing in our mostly dry conditions. I'm still thinking on this one though ... had thought of trying to grow something in between the blocks ... but it might just get ripped out when this type of rain starts falling again. Food for thought.
29 Jan, 2010
Crikey Bernie, you certainly have to learn to garden in extremes round your way don't you ?
29 Jan, 2010
It's never dull Muddy!!
29 Jan, 2010
Added appropriately to GoYpedia Flood Damage and to Bricks !
29 Jan, 2010
Oh TT ... hubbie will be impressed that his work of art is being recognised! LOL ... I'm not so sure this ... um... rather unsightly looking construction should be recognised as a way of preventing flood damage!! I suppose it does work though.
29 Jan, 2010
I've put all your latest series of pics on Flood Damage...
some really amazing photos.
Congrats hubbie on the brickwork....Lol.
29 Jan, 2010
He's available for hire ... got any brick work to be done!
29 Jan, 2010
Maybe we should put hubbie on GoYpedia Bricks. Lol.
29 Jan, 2010
He ... he... Lol! Love it!
29 Jan, 2010
Cheeky!... Homebird! He's usually pretty good at this sort of work but there was just no love in this effort ... he was sick and not in the best of humour when he did this! Needless to say ... I said it was 'just fine!' at the time.
3 Feb, 2010
Homebird ... hubbie's fine now and he's a little miffed that I called his lovely handiwork 'ugly' but I'm sticking by my feelings about it, especially considering you can see it in plain sight from our front verandah ... not a good look at all.
5 Feb, 2010
Oh yes ... there were plenty! Horrid creatures! There's absolutely no saving grace with those things, is there?
18 Jun, 2010
Photo 33 of 101
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The wall looks to be very effective. Can always grow something appealling in front, or even in the cracks. :-)
29 Jan, 2010