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Mother's Apricot Tree
By Greenthumb

17 Jan, 2010
This apricot has produced soooo much fruit. The family has been canning for weeks. I tried one off the tree, at 100F that fruit was unexpectedly hotter than my mouth! Live fruit off the tree at that temp, it was earth shattering! :-)
Comments on this photo
Lol Arlene I can see you dribbling. Sounds lovely Greenthumb, I can see them in abundance
17 Jan, 2010
just look at the fruit on that tree.
17 Jan, 2010
Perfect, eating fruit straight from the tree, lucky you :)
17 Jan, 2010
17 Jan, 2010
That is sooo fantastic .. .. we think ourselves lucky if we have a few nice peaches .....................
17 Jan, 2010
How wonderful.......yummy...........
17 Jan, 2010
Thank you. I'm glad you like the fruit tree. This is already well picked too. Already five big bushells removed and frozen. The back garden mother has almond, pecan and pomegranite. Fruit loves the dry and mild condition in Utah. We used to go to the northern belt for cherries, peaches and necterines. I'll post where I grew up in Idaho, the remnants of our apple and cherry orchard can still be seen, though obviously not much cared for after we had moved away.
17 Jan, 2010
Oooh Greenthumb I absolutely love Pecans , I always have some in the kitchen , I wish I could grow them here .. :o) Pecan pie a favourite , Yummy !
17 Jan, 2010
They are young still Amy, but with 9 months of growing season every year, that will change pretty fast. Very exotic to me. :-)
17 Jan, 2010
This is what I love about East of the Mt.s GT...the fresh fruit is so amazing! I would love to be able to grow peaches and apricots! I love all of your photo's from your mother's garden..I can see where you and your sister got your Very Greenthumbs from! :)
18 Jan, 2010
Thanks Cat. I am always amazed at the fruit through out Utah. And the roses, it's like you can't stop them were you to try. Many a day I dreaded weeding our three veg gardens, and now there is nothing I wouldn't give to be back in those old gardens of mother's design. :-) She did engender a delight in cultivation. I'm glad to see she can enjoy it now for recreation.
19 Jan, 2010
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wow! love Apricot and Almond Crumble with cream!
17 Jan, 2010