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Lower garden pond with glad in foreground.
By Chrispook

5 Aug, 2008
Comments on this photo
Great pic Chris.
6 Aug, 2008
Chris, your pond looks so health, do you have any tips for us.
6 Aug, 2008
Hi Ams. I think the water lilies help a lot. The main thing is to have a lot of the pond shaded for much of the day. In do have to fish out blanket weed every few weeks in the summer. Sunlight encourages the weed and I suspect our hot weather does too. I don't keep fish because we are often away. All wildlife are welcome though.
6 Aug, 2008
Thanks Chris, I recently bought a small water feature just to experiment with aquatic plants, oxygenating and marginal plus water hyacinth. I still get algae even though there is hardly any free space. Yesterday I found a big frog has moved in, I love frogs.
7 Aug, 2008
Your pond looks fantastic Chris, looks like it's always been there !
7 Aug, 2008
Very lovely and natural looking - l like the way you have grass right down to the water's edge.
18 Aug, 2008
Hi Chris,
I am a journalist with a publication Inshore Ireland and Castel Espie one of the Wildlife and Wetlands Trust centres over here have written a piece for us on how to build a pond....can we possibly use your photo??? If so can you send it to me in a jpeg format. I will send you a copy of the piece when it is published and we will put your name to the photo?
Please advise ASAP
2 Dec, 2009
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Featured on: pond ideas
This photo is of "11. Garden ponds." in Chrispook's garden
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Nymphaea 'Aurora' (Water Lily)
£22.99 at Crocus -
Easy Clear Filter And Fountain Pump
£139.95 at Ferndale Lodge
lovely picture with all the different leaf shapes and the sunlight
5 Aug, 2008