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The new rockery
By Ann1

21 Jan, 2010
We had a bare and unused corner in the front garden which was full on montbretia and not much else.
So we decided to create a rockery feature to enhance the general look of the background to a larger bed.
This picture was taken not long after planting and at the moment (Jan 2010) looks very different. This feature will be updated in the spring and new photo's posted online. Although I understand that rockery's are 'out-of-date- garden-wise,it seemed the best solution for the unloved corner.
Comments on this photo
I love rockeries..really love putting miniture alpines in them..I am looking forward to seeing what you have done with this rockery..!
21 Jan, 2010
I like rockeries...
... I don't care if they are considered out of date....
... I still like them. :o)
21 Jan, 2010
No there's nothing out-of-date about a rockery ... they're great features of many gardens. Looking forward to seeing yours when it fills out and the plants start to bloom.
21 Jan, 2010
Welcome to goy ann1,
I think you`ve made a good start with your rockery and who cares whether it`s in fashion. Personally I think its what you like and what your garden will adapt to that counts. So come the spring I shall be out of fashion too as I intend to have a go at adapting my top side bed into a rockery, and for inspiration you have to go no further than looking at Heron`s picture Blog 30 Sept `09 if only I can get near this achievement I shall be truly happy. Thanks for sharing your picture and look forward to seeing more.
31 Jan, 2010
Who cares about what´s "out of date". I love rockeries and agree with Stroller. I´m sure this will look great when it´s established. Look forward to seeing the update.
2 Apr, 2010
I am not a great gardener but have about 50 York Stones left over from another failed project.....saw your picture and its perfect for the stones.....hope you don't mind a copycat unless you have applied for a patent that is......did you cement the stones in or just added earth in between the stones.....
who cares what who says about olf fashioned...looks tops to me...
rockin !!!!!
14 Sep, 2011
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look forward to seeing this in the spring
21 Jan, 2010