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By Sanbaz
- 24 Apr, 2010
was sqashing some lily beetles and almost got this little chap, then suddenly saw his spots phew!
Comments on this photo
think he was a bit shaken up for a while eileen lol thanx ;o))
24 Apr, 2010
You have lily beetle already.......glad you noticed the ladybird in time....
24 Apr, 2010
yes dotty had about 7/8 this week ;o(( yes little ladybird is fine
24 Apr, 2010
Lucky for the spots!
24 Apr, 2010
Is it just me but has anyone else noticed there seems to be a lot of ladybirds about this year?
25 Apr, 2010
very lucky TOG lol
yes im seeing quite alot mageth , so cute ;o))
25 Apr, 2010
I must keep my eyes open for the Lily beetle ,a good reminder there San .....
25 Apr, 2010
cant believe how many im getting amy, do they fly or not? i said to baz you can just pick them up but dont seem to try and fly away, thankfully,,sometimes i feel cruel sqashing them as only a living creature but if we dont would have no plants left ;o(
25 Apr, 2010
Good job you saw him in time :o))
25 Apr, 2010
it was carol, all i could think of was lily beetles and just picking them all off quickly, hope im not going to be having lots of probs with them this year ;o(
25 Apr, 2010
Bet his little heart was beating nineteen to the dozen, Sanbaz. Glad you 'spotted' him :)
25 Apr, 2010
bet it was Gee, i put him on this lupin leaf out of harms way ;o))
25 Apr, 2010
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he had a lucky escape lol. great photo Sandra
24 Apr, 2010