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By Toto
- 1 Mar, 2009
Comments on this photo
I've never seen one like that before - very strange.
1 Mar, 2009
That black one looks nasty.
1 Mar, 2009
Great photo!
2 Mar, 2009
I believe that the one with the two spots you can see, actually have four spots (I can't remember) but may only have two and is the Pine Ladybird (Exochomus 4-pustulatus). According to my book, it is very common on pine trees and other conifers in the south but rare in the north. No-one need fear, it is friendly and like it's British relatives, does a lot of good eating aphids. The only one that I know of which is in any way harmful is the Harlequin Ladybird which has, in recent years managed to cross The Channel and that is not harmful unless you happen to be another ladybird.
Thanks all for your comments.
2 Mar, 2009
Sorry black ladybird. I'm glad to know you're a friend :o)
2 Mar, 2009
Great close-up of these two. I LOVE ladybugs. As a child a friend and I had a "ladybug" farm-we kept many ladybugs in a huge bottle.
We had to give it up after parents forced us, too many were getting loose in the house.
I have never seen one like the ladybug on the right. Hywel was right, it looks kinda nasty..
2 Mar, 2009
Only if you're a aphid Newfie.
2 Mar, 2009
I like them both and the one on the right looks like it means I were and aphid on one of my roses..I would throw my little legs up in the air and run for for my life...would like to have some of these here to care for my rose bushes...
2 Mar, 2009
Don't you have them there then Cat. I thought you did.
2 Mar, 2009
A lovely shot Toto:-)
3 Mar, 2009
Sure we have the regular lady bugs...but not the black one that I know of..we call them Lady Bug...took me a bit to figure out what a lady bird was....
3 Mar, 2009
No problem Cat. Lady Bug is just as good, in fact it's more accurate.
3 Mar, 2009
Thanks everyone for your nice comments.
3 Mar, 2009
Gerat to see them out and about Toto...aphids beware !
3 Mar, 2009
This is a unique, specialist unit Bonkers, they are licenced to kill.
3 Mar, 2009
3 Mar, 2009
Wow that is an unusual one there are those it's slanted eyes?.....Alien ladybird!!
6 Mar, 2009
You bet Janey. He is an udercover ladybird. A sleeper as they say.
6 Mar, 2009
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Oooh Toto......Whats that one with just 2 it a friendly?
1 Mar, 2009