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Pampas Grass
By Dawnsaunt

4 Nov, 2009
You either love it or hate it?
Comments on this photo
I know what your saying Morgana, you just cant get your spade in! This is on the island in the middle of the pond so its no trouble and the ducks have nested in the past under it :-)
4 Nov, 2009
How lovely a nice little nesting place then for them.
4 Nov, 2009
An ideal place for it Dawn , I haven't one in my garden but there is one outside our gate and the hedgehogs go under it to nest you can see the little tunnel where they go in and out , I've seen the babies go in as well .. :o)
4 Nov, 2009
i love it and cant wait for my pink one to grow lol
4 Nov, 2009
Aww Amy, how nice to see little hedgehogs.
Sandra: The pink are beautiful, I had one many years ago at a former home.
I've got another one that we set fire to last year, ha ha. It does them good apparently, gets rid of all the dead stuff. It grew back as if nothing had happened to it.
4 Nov, 2009
how long do you know how to burn it for dawn, till its right to ground?
4 Nov, 2009
We did it in Winter and waited until it was dry. We set a fire in the middle and let it go. It didnt burn it off to the ground as it was quite dense but burnt all the dead stuff out and in the Spring it started to sprout again.
4 Nov, 2009
i better not plant to close to fence then dawn lol, will have to think carefully :o))
4 Nov, 2009
I love it Dawn.....We have our one planted in a sunken bucket to try and keep it contained........
4 Nov, 2009
good idea maureen, thanx for that :o))
4 Nov, 2009
I do like these can you get smaller varieties now?
4 Nov, 2009
You are so clever Maureen, think of everything.
DottyD, sorry I dont know - is the pink one less vigorous Sandra? The one I had years ago didnt seem so rampant.
4 Nov, 2009
i got it from ebay and the man said its not to bad also he said can be in container to,so to be sure im going to plant in a nice big planter when it grows
4 Nov, 2009
It will be beautiful Sandra ....
4 Nov, 2009
i wanted it on the front but baz put his foot down on that one lol
4 Nov, 2009
I'm sure you can work your charm Sandra ;-)
4 Nov, 2009
lol dawn,, i guess i could if i really tried heheh
4 Nov, 2009
You have to make sure there are no hedgehogs in it before setting fire to it, this is one of their favourite dry places and difficult to see , they get right underneath the centre ..........
4 Nov, 2009
good thinking amy :o))
4 Nov, 2009
Good tip Amy, thanks for that. Maybe I wont do it again now just in case. They sound like a perfect hedgehog house :-)))
4 Nov, 2009
I'm still hoping for hedgehogs in my garden Amy so I will look more closely at the Pampas. My neighbour gave me some that he dug up last year but I planted it in the wrong place. Moved it though and it seems much happier. Lots of it gets strewn around the garden and I read that starling are the culprits, are they?
4 Nov, 2009
I like Pampas grass Dawn, a lot of people hate them, someone I know had a real beauty then suddenly completely destroyed it, I couldn't understand that.
6 Nov, 2009
I haven't seen Starlings do that Ginellie , but they do like pulling stuff about , it's very likely .
That was a shame Dr.bob .. just as it had reached it's best !!
6 Nov, 2009
beautiful Photo Dawn..I agree with Morgana
7 Nov, 2009
Dr Bob: I bet they regret it now.
Thanks Deida: If the ducks love it, then so do I. :-)
7 Nov, 2009
Great nesting spot for your ducks Dawn,and easy for you to spot them too !
8 Nov, 2009
I put some barrels to the side of it, under the leaves with logs and all that but they prefer to nest actually under the plant :-)
9 Nov, 2009
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I love this lovely photo but I would never want to move it as its so hard to dig out
4 Nov, 2009