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hellebor double
By Lemondog
- 12 Mar, 2013
Comments on this photo
Such a beauty...:>)
12 Mar, 2013
yep, this wows me each year. Have you grown any from seed, It would be good to have a go but do not want to waste money? cheers Lemondog.
19 Mar, 2013
That's stunning.. :o)
26 Mar, 2013
i agree, i got this from long acre plants and it has bulked up well every year and last autumn i moved it . i will see if they have any other colours for next spring, cheers, LD
16 Apr, 2013
Photo 15 of 27
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This photo is of "Hellebore double" in Lemondog's garden
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I love Hellibor ,this is a beauty Ldog :o)
12 Mar, 2013