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syringa agnes smith
By Sanbaz

2 Jun, 2010
flowers open now and such a wonderfull scent to
Comments on this photo
Very nice. Its lovely to have bright zuberent colours but also to have a lovely white plant aswell!
2 Jun, 2010
thanx guys i love white in any plant ;o))
2 Jun, 2010
That's lovely, is it a dwarf one?
2 Jun, 2010
yes it is Gee, ive wanted one for ages so when i saw this couldnt resist ;o)
2 Jun, 2010
Thats a pretty one San :-)
3 Jun, 2010
thanx amy couldnt resist when i saw it begging me to take it home lol
3 Jun, 2010
On its hands and knees with a money pot shaking in the petals, yes Sandra? lol. Or was it you begging hubby to let you take it home? ;-O))
3 Jun, 2010
lol steve baz wasnt with me , the poor plant had tears on its leaves so couldnt walk by haahha
3 Jun, 2010
Oh i'm sure it did. I bet Baz just rolled his eyes when you told him this! lmao
3 Jun, 2010
lmao,. gosh how did you guess, do you know him steve ahahaha
3 Jun, 2010
No but thats what Gina does when I come home with a newbie!! lmao
3 Jun, 2010
lmao,, i wont change so he may as well get use to it, i tell him,"you stop going out to snooker and i will stop gardening" :o))
3 Jun, 2010
pmsl, i used to play snooker in the league unitl the smoking ban came into effect. Now i play golf!!
3 Jun, 2010
good move steve, i smoke but doesnt bother me as i dont go out alot and if we go for meal i just wait for go into shelters they provide, but its getting mad as they stop you smoking in certain walking areas around town now in the fresh air, stopping us smoking in cars, we will have to go under ground soon lol
3 Jun, 2010
Its getting that way isn't it. The only 1 good thing about being banished outside to have a smoke is that you tend to meet new peeps that you wouldn't of met if smoking was allowed inside!!
5 Jun, 2010
lol thats true, had some great laughs with new smoking friends ;o))
5 Jun, 2010
Still think they've gone a bit OTT with it all though!!
5 Jun, 2010
me to steve, far worse things going on
5 Jun, 2010
You aint wrong!!
5 Jun, 2010
That is doing well San.....
5 Jun, 2010
its pretty dotty but like lilac it doesnt last long unfortunatly, a few more buds though ;o))
6 Jun, 2010
Our little one is over already.....
6 Jun, 2010
yes this going over now, doesnt last long dotty ;o((
7 Jun, 2010
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Gorgeous white Lilac;0)
2 Jun, 2010