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Streptocarpus Pink Layla
By Theoldgunner

3 Nov, 2010
Comments on this photo
Lovely picture, glad it is doing well.
3 Nov, 2010
Love Streps. If I had room in the conservatory I would grow some!
3 Nov, 2010
Thanks all. Yes, we are very pleased with it, Syliva, thank you for it.
3 Nov, 2010
what a cool the way it's 'colored'..half white, half pink
3 Nov, 2010
One of my favourite plants. Mine has flowered all season.
3 Nov, 2010
Lovely TOG. It looks very happy and healthy. I have a seedling from an open pollinated Pink Leyla. It's very similar but much paler pink. I like yours much better. :o)
4 Nov, 2010
Lovely colours this one Tog, I used to have the purple one years ago, they are stunning!
6 Nov, 2010
I self pollinated Blue Leyla last year and one of the seedlings turned out to be a Pink Leyla very similar to this flower of yours. The Leyla series seem to be a long flowered plant because mine is the first to flower in spring and the last to flower before winter.
31 Jan, 2011
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