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Trillium chloropetalum
By Linda235

2 May, 2011
Comments on this photo
Thanks Karen. I grew this plant in my main flower bed and then it disappeared. It moved 12 ft I guess helped by me to a much better place, as it has grown quicker in its new home.
3 May, 2011
Absolutely beautiful.Love it.
28 Jun, 2011
very pretty Linda. How's the chamomile bench coming along?
6 Jul, 2011
What a lovely combination Linda. Really love it!
13 Aug, 2011
The plants have done it all on their own. Nice isn't it Tetrarch?
14 Aug, 2011
Another lovely combination Linda. I think plants that grow where THEY want to grow always do better than where they get put by us gardeners. I have a fuchsia, I think its called Checkboard. Like a waterfall of flowers all summer.....I didn't put it there. Survives the winter too. I do not know whether it's supposed to be hardy or not.
15 Aug, 2011
Thanks Dorjac
I agee, it never grew well where it was, but it must have got legs and walked to the new place.
15 Aug, 2011
Its the care we shower on them...they want to please us even more by coming up with these surprises..just shows how much WE know!
15 Aug, 2011
You said it!! .........Tetrarch.
16 Aug, 2011
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This photo is of "Trillium chloropetalum" in Linda235's garden
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That looks lovely with the euphorbia. Very unusual to see a trillium with a friend! Love it!
2 May, 2011