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By Heron

30 Sep, 2009
Comments on this photo
I like this variety too - I put a photo of my iceberg in my roses blog last week. How long have you had your plant and how big has it got?
30 Sep, 2009
I think it's everyone's favorite, I've had it about five years. Roses are a lot of work but there nothing to match them.
30 Sep, 2009
It's beautiful - just love white roses.
30 Sep, 2009
Roses are the best display too for the longest time gorgeous one this one
15 Oct, 2009
I'm late to this one but this is a lovely photo. Iceburg is lovely, reliable rose isn't it?
11 Nov, 2009
Princess Gilli - You can be relied upon to bee a consistently late bloomer because you are so busy. Better late than never to have your opinion except on the timing of viewing icebergs.
11 Nov, 2009
Well, at least it hasn't melted yet GF. :o)
11 Nov, 2009
just have to get 1 beautiful
8 Jul, 2010
This is beauitful Heron I must also post a photo of my white rose called Wedding Day and its still full of blooms.
31 Oct, 2011
i have an iceburge now and its full of blooms ......... i have seen rons , its gawjuss !!
31 Oct, 2011
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