Rock Garden
By gardennut
On September 17th I have invited our entire garden club to have a potluck, plant swap, flea market swap, and a tomato taste off at my house. We will also have a guest speaker, and the club president is including door prizes. Wow, right?? Needless to say, as excited as I am at the prospect of having several people come out for a day of fun, I am also a nervous wreck and have been running around tying up loose ends in my yard. One problem area for me has always been the spot between our garage and our dog kennel. Historically it has been the place where our garbage trailer is parked, and where I kept my piles of odds and ends – my dirt pile, a rock pile, the compost pile, various pots and such – all surrounded by a generous amount of tall weeds that we merely trimmed once in a while with the gas trimmer. Of course, this area is one of the first things that you lay eyes on when you make the final corner of our driveway, and I have hated it since the day we moved in, often wishing I could at least put a fence in front of it to block the view of the ugliness. Knowing that I was going to have fellow gardeners to my home, and having seen some of the beautiful landscapes owned and tended by some of these individuals, I decided that I simply had to do something with the offensive area. So I cleared out all the various piles, the refuse trailer found a new home, and I cleared out the weeds. In doing all of this however, I managed to stumble across buried treasure – Seven HUGE rocks were buried at one end of my new area. It took a lot of digging, and the help of my son, husband, and tractor, but we managed to get all of them out of the ground, and they became the inspiration for my new “rock garden”. Since I already had a low spot where we had dug out the rocks, I started there – digging, moving earth, and placing rocks until a garden began to form. It was a lot of work, but I think the end result was definitely worth it. Here are the pictures – unfortunately I don’t have any of the area before I got started, but I’m sure you can imagine what a mess it was. (Sorry about the quantity of pictures – I didn’t realize there were quite this many!!) :)
11 Aug, 2011
Previous post: Still waiting on Spring . . .
Wow at the price we have to pay for rocks that size you have hit a little goldmine.
I love what you have done there, I can imagine what it was like from your description, so well done, it will be smashing when the planting fills out...
11 Aug, 2011
Wow what a difference you have made here,it looks lovely & i am sure your garden club members will think so too..
11 Aug, 2011
Looks like a lot of hard work, but well worth it.
14 Aug, 2011
First off - thank you all for suffering through my extremely long blog - I really didn't mean for it to be as long as it is!! Secondly, thank you for the kind comments. It really was a bit of work, but I agree that it was definitely worth it. And for the rocks, Linclass - I have no idea what they would be worth here, but I know it would be a pretty penny for sure!! Thank heavens to however they came to be buried there!! :)
15 Aug, 2011
Recent posts by gardennut
- Still waiting on Spring . . .
22 Apr, 2011
- The Galloping Gormet
8 Apr, 2011
- Buried Alive
26 Jul, 2010
- At War With the Deer
22 Jul, 2010
- My Garden's Guardian
6 Jul, 2010
- Some Pictures . . .
24 Jun, 2010
The outcome really seemed like it was worth all the trouble and as years go by it will seem even better
11 Aug, 2011