Tiny signs of spring
By gardenpanda
The snow has all but gone in our little corner of Middlesex, and I am seeing signs of tulip and daffs I planted in pots the autumn. Just tiny signs but heartening all the same. And there was daylight at 4pm half way out of the dark my friends.
28 Dec, 2010
Previous post: Christmas Left overs
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It's nice to see things starting to grow. Spring is on the way now. I didn't get a chance to plant some bulbs before the early snow came, so I'll have to do it this week. I hope they'll be all right now. Nice to hear yours are coming up already.
29 Dec, 2010
yes we too have bulbs poking their noses out of copost/soil. the threatened snow didnt arrive but the thaw is very slow.
pond is causing concern, 2" of water on top of the 3" of ice. I can see at least 3 dead fish :o(
But it is thawing and that is the most important point at the moment.
29 Dec, 2010
perhaps this doesnt count cos they are indoors but i have hyacinths 5 or 6" tall and all with good sized flower buds in, never seen them do so well. all of them have come up!
29 Dec, 2010
My bulbs are on the move as well. Had a walk around the garden this afternoon. All the snow has gone and it's been a lot warmer today. So much to look forward to exciting don't you think.
29 Dec, 2010
Very exciting! We went for a walk in the mountains yesterday and tiny buds are showing on the beech and oak trees AND ..... we found two primroses in bloom! I took photos, so I may blog later with my exciting find.
30 Dec, 2010
Like Sueb, I had a walk round the garden yesterday and found little noses of snowdrops and daffs showing. Some of the camellias have fat buds getting ready to burst.
30 Dec, 2010
Yes, folks, it's all out there, waiting to happen - but I'm by no means convinced we've seen the last of the ice and snow this year, so remember, when it comes back, that all that life is sitting out there just biding its time till conditions are right. And they will be... you're right about the daylight, funnily enough it was more noticeable in Bristol than here in West London, slightly further west, think it adds a minute or two to daylight at the end of the day.
30 Dec, 2010
Yes buds and shoots all over the garden, but the great thing is that at 4pm, as you say, it's still light. How exciting is that? It can only get better.
31 Dec, 2010
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- Cyril the squirrel
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- Christmas Left overs
28 Dec, 2010
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As if on cue, just after me mentioning giant pandas on another thread, you post this lovely message, gardenpanda! So glad that you are being heartened by those first signs of Spring to come. Yes, the shortest day is past! And, already, a noticeable extension of daylight. Will be a while, yet, before we see any shoots, as too much frozen snow and ice covering everything - but, it will happen. Enjoy!!!!! :-)))))
29 Dec, 2010