Genus: Tropaeolum
We are a community of garden lovers. On this page you will find:
- Where to buy Tropaeolum plants & price comparison.
- Care tips & advice from our members.
- Photos of Tropaeolum plants in real gardens.
Nasturtiums are commonly grown as ornamental plants for their bright colours.
Tropaeolum to buy
Clicking on any of these plants will give you more information, you only leave this website if you decide to buy. You can see all the Tropaeolum plants and Tropaeolum seeds and bulbs for sale in our garden centre which lists products from over 25 popular websites.
Tropaeolum Speciosum
£14.50 at Burncoose -
Tropaeolum Tuberosum 'Ken Aslet'
£12.00 at Burncoose -
Canary Creeper Seeds
£1.85 at Suttons Seeds
We have 120 photos of Tropaeolum plants in real gardens
These photos are from real gardens by real gardeners! Just click on one to start exploring.
You can also discover who's growing Tropaeolum.
- By david
- By spritzhe..
- By ghostlyb..
- By plantoho..
Care tips & Questions
This advice is from our members, if you can't find what you're looking for please ask your question of our friendly community.
Species of Tropaeolum
- Tropaeolum adpressum
- Tropaeolum aduncum
- Tropaeolum albiflorum
- Tropaeolum argentinum
- Tropaeolum asplundii
- Tropaeolum atrocapillare
- Tropaeolum azureum
- Tropaeolum beuthii
- Tropaeolum bicolor
- Tropaeolum bimaculatum
- Tropaeolum bogotense
- Tropaeolum boliviense
- Tropaeolum brachyceras
- Tropaeolum brasiliense
- Tropaeolum brideanum
- Tropaeolum bridgesii
- Tropaeolum buchenaui
- Tropaeolum buchenauianum
- Tropaeolum calcaratum
- Tropaeolum calvum
- Tropaeolum canariense
- Tropaeolum capillare
- Tropaeolum carchense
- Tropaeolum chilense
- Tropaeolum chrysanthum
- Tropaeolum chymocarpus
- Tropaeolum ciliatum
- Tropaeolum cirrhipes
- Tropaeolum coccineum
- Tropaeolum cochabambae
- Tropaeolum concavum
- Tropaeolum concinneum
- Tropaeolum crenatiflorum
- Tropaeolum crenatum
- Tropaeolum cubio
- Tropaeolum curvirostre
- Tropaeolum cuspidatum
- Tropaeolum deckerianum
- Tropaeolum dentatifolium
- Tropaeolum denticualtum
- Tropaeolum digitatum
- Tropaeolum dipetalum
- Tropaeolum edule
- Tropaeolum elatum
- Tropaeolum elegans
- Tropaeolum elzae
- Tropaeolum emarginatum
- Tropaeolum equatoriense
- Tropaeolum ferreyrae
- Tropaeolum fintelmannii
- Tropaeolum flavipilum
- Tropaeolum floribundum
- Tropaeolum fulvum
- Tropaeolum funckii
- Tropaeolum gaertnerianum
- Tropaeolum garciae
- Tropaeolum glaucescens
- Tropaeolum glaucum
- Tropaeolum glaziovii
- Tropaeolum gracile
- Tropaeolum guatemalense
- Tropaeolum harlingii Sparre
- Tropaeolum hayneanum
- Tropaeolum hieronymii
- Tropaeolum hirsutum
- Tropaeolum hirtifolium
- Tropaeolum hjertingii
- Tropaeolum hookerianum
- Tropaeolum hortense
- Tropaeolum hughesae
- Tropaeolum huigrense
- Tropaeolum huynhii
- Tropaeolum hybridum
- Tropaeolum incisum
- Tropaeolum incrassatum
- Tropaeolum infundibularum
- Tropaeolum integrifolium
- Tropaeolum jilesii
- Tropaeolum karstenii
- Tropaeolum kerneisinum
- Tropaeolum killipii
- Tropaeolum kingii
- Tropaeolum klotzschii
- Tropaeolum kuntzeanum
- Tropaeolum lasseri
- Tropaeolum lechleri
- Tropaeolum lehmannii
- Tropaeolum leichtlinii
- Tropaeolum leonis
- Tropaeolum lepidum
- Tropaeolum leptoceras
- Tropaeolum leptophyllum
- Tropaeolum lindenii
- Tropaeolum linearifolium
- Tropaeolum lobbianum
- Tropaeolum lobbii
- Tropaeolum longiflorum
- Tropaeolum longifolium
- Tropaeolum looseri
- Tropaeolum luteum
- Tropaeolum macrophyllum
- Tropaeolum maculatum
- Tropaeolum maculifolium
- Tropaeolum magnificum
- Tropaeolum majus
- Tropaeolum marginatum
- Tropaeolum mathewsii
- Tropaeolum menispermifolium
- Tropaeolum mexiae
- Tropaeolum meyeri
- Tropaeolum minimum
- Tropaeolum minus
- Tropaeolum moritzianum
- Tropaeolum morreanum
- Tropaeolum mucronatum
- Tropaeolum myriophyllum
- Tropaeolum nubigenum
- Tropaeolum nuptae-jucundae
- Tropaeolum olmosense
- Tropaeolum orinocense
- Tropaeolum orthoceras
- Tropaeolum oxalidanthum
- Tropaeolum paniculatum
- Tropaeolum papillosum
- Tropaeolum parviflorum
- Tropaeolum parvifolium
- Tropaeolum patagonicum
- Tropaeolum pellucidum
- Tropaeolum peltophorum
- Tropaeolum pendulum
- Tropaeolum pentagonum
- Tropaeolum pentaphyllum
- Tropaeolum peregrinum
- Tropaeolum pilosum
- Tropaeolum piltophorum
- Tropaeolum pinnatum
- Tropaeolum polyphyllum
- Tropaeolum popelari
- Tropaeolum porifolium
- Tropaeolum prostratum
- Tropaeolum pseudopubescens
- Tropaeolum pubescens
- Tropaeolum pulchellum
- Tropaeolum purpureum
- Tropaeolum quinatum
- Tropaeolum quinquelobum
- Tropaeolum rectangulum
- Tropaeolum reichianum
- Tropaeolum reineckeanum
- Tropaeolum repandum
- Tropaeolum rhizophorum
- Tropaeolum rhomboideum
- Tropaeolum sanctae-catharinae
- Tropaeolum schlimii
- Tropaeolum seemannii
- Tropaeolum septangulum
- Tropaeolum septemlobatum
- Tropaeolum sessilifolium
- Tropaeolum smithii
- Tropaeolum speciosum
- Tropaeolum steyermarkianum
- Tropaeolum stipulatum
- Tropaeolum suberosum
- Tropaeolum subincrassatum
- Tropaeolum tenellum
- Tropaeolum tenuirostre
- Tropaeolum tomentosum
- Tropaeolum traceyae
- Tropaeolum trialatum
- Tropaeolum tricolor
- Tropaeolum tricolori-brachyceras
- Tropaeolum trilobum
- Tropaeolum tuberosum
- Tropaeolum umbellatum
- Tropaeolum unilobatum
- Tropaeolum vargasianum
- Tropaeolum venezuelae
- Tropaeolum venosum
- Tropaeolum violaceum
- Tropaeolum violaeflorum
- Tropaeolum wagnerianum
- Tropaeolum warmingianum
- Tropaeolum warscewiczii
- Tropaeolum weberbaueri
- Tropaeolum willinkii
- Tropaeolum yarrati