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Ensete maurelii - 1
By Tommymoo
- 20 Oct, 2010
6 Oct. 2010
It's got taller than the fence!
Comments on this photo
Beautiful. How will you overwinter it?
20 Oct, 2010
Such A Gorgeous Leaf Colour :)
20 Oct, 2010
Wow thats gorgeous Tommymoo......
20 Oct, 2010
Thank you all :D
Meanie, I have to dig it up and store it in the cellar :(
21 Oct, 2010
Photo 33 of 60
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Featured on: false bananas
This photo is of species Ensete Maurelii.
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This photo is of "Banana, Red Abyssinian Banana" in Tommymoo's garden
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Fantastic plant...
20 Oct, 2010