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By Scottish

19 Feb, 2012
A little Morrison's bargain!!
Comments on this photo
They were TT - bought them back in December and forgot they were tucked away behind the other new shrubs :)
19 Feb, 2012
Lovely rich colours
19 Feb, 2012
Got these as well Scottish....Now the bad news! Paul tells me that you need a male plant to get berries.
19 Feb, 2012
lovely pic Scottish...our Morrisons dont seem to have the bargains others have...a more cut flower section than plants..:o(
19 Feb, 2012
The new one on Ashton old road does Joanella and then a trip across the pelican crossing to see what Lidl has ;0)
19 Feb, 2012
Nice one,Scottish..and I agree,some great plants for sale there..
20 Feb, 2012
Thank you everyone - they were popular weren't they :)
Pimp....How do I know if they are male or female? I bought 2 but the other one isn't doing very well and it has berries - so I presume both female. Just my luck - it was the same with my blue holly - went back to get a female and there was none left :(
20 Feb, 2012
Ah ha Scottish, just done a bit of checking. These prefer acid soil and spread by Rhizomes. They need sun to produce the berries, which are edible and you can make tea from the leaves and branches. ***Just eaten a couple of berries, they taste like a mild mouthwash.
No mention of needing male and female plants that I can find. Propagate by sowing seeds in autumn and potting in a sandy compost or dividing the rhizomes. But it should spread by itself. No pests or deseases
20 Feb, 2012
Thanks for that P. I will need to move it now - it will get no sun where it is. I bought it because I remembered reading it like shade. I'll leave it too settle in the find a home later in the year - I may leave one in the shade and if the other sad looking one improves I'll try it in the sun and compare!!
Yeh - didn't try eat but did smell the leaves it's like that rub stuff!
20 Feb, 2012
Photo 2 of 10
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Gaultheria Procumbens
£12.00 at Burncoose -
Gaultheria Procumbens
£7.99 at Best 4 Plants
Nice bargain :o)
19 Feb, 2012