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Hosta 'White Feather'
By Majeekahead

29 Apr, 2009
Comments on this photo
it looks like white hosta,, if you can get white,
29 Apr, 2009
Thats what I thought but I've never seen a white one before.
29 Apr, 2009
looked it up to see and yes you can get white ones chrispook
29 Apr, 2009
How does it live with no cholophil (spelling?) ??? Weird.... The pansies are nice :-)
29 Apr, 2009
I'm sure it is, Angie told me she was getting one...
chorophyll, Sid (I think!!)
29 Apr, 2009
LOL - have i been getting you all at it? lol - sorry i am terrible for loading on all my pic's with no info - and then logging off again lol - it is indeed a white hosta - a new variety called White Feather. and apprently the leaves turn green from the bottom up as they mature leaving just the tips this lovely creamy colouring, the flowers i think a pale lilac, so watch this space ladies x
30 Apr, 2009
Oooo - that sounds very interesting -I'm looking forward to seeing the pics of it developing Ang :-)
chorophyll, chorophyll, chorophyll....just practicing in case there's a test! lol
30 Apr, 2009
lol - i was going to type photosinthersise - but can't spell it lol (hopefully you know what i mean) the process of plants turning sunlight into energy/food lol
1 May, 2009
It's 10:30 Ang - I can hardly spell my name at this time of night LOL
1 May, 2009
LOL. ;-)
1 May, 2009
I'm affraid it does'nt matter what time of night it is - my spelling is always bad...but then i gues you can't have know looks.....wit......charm....etc lol ...and i do make a mean hand-tied BQ - just don't ask me to spell the card message! lol
4 May, 2009
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What is the white? Are they leaves or petals?
29 Apr, 2009