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Jacaranda Tree in Bloom
By Delonix1

2 Jul, 2013
1 like
This Jacaranda tree is still blooming in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. Photo taken June 25, 2013.
Comments on this photo
Glad you like the photo! The flowers show up so much better when the weather is cloudy. Blue-purple on blue doesn't show up very well.
7 Jul, 2013 long as they show up! It's lovely that you have a Jacaranda "season" it still terribly hot in SD-Cal?
8 Jul, 2013
It's been very comfortable for the last 3 or 4 days in inland San Diego. However, it's starting to get hot again (today). This is the "July Fry" so it's not so unusual (for inland San Diego). The saying here in San Diego is "May Gray"; "June Gloom" then "July Fry"...although, we didn't have any May Gray or June Gloom this year in most of San Diego (I didn't get any at all where I live).
I can always escape the heat to downtown San Diego where it's only suppose to be around 80ºF (27ºC) today.
8 Jul, 2013
That is amazing...I would be "fried" in no time! hope you find shade and water....;-)
10 Jul, 2013
It's been hot the last couple of days. Now, there's a lot of the monsoonal clouds coming in from Mexico, and maybe there's a chance of thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow. I hope we get some much needed rain!
10 Jul, 2013
Wonderful! .... the rain dance is working, maybe???? :-)
11 Jul, 2013
Yes, I think your rain dance is working. LOL! We had some big drops twice today; however, it wasn't enough to completely wet the sidewalks or roads. Maybe tonight and tomorrow with luck we'll receive some real rain. The meteorologist are forecasting 50% rain tonight and tomorrow, anyway...we'll see if it actully happens. :>)
11 Jul, 2013
Still dancing.....;-)
13 Jul, 2013
Thanks! We need it. We never received any real rain.
It's just been so warm to hot and humid from the constant monsoonal flow. I feel like I'm suffocating! The fans in the house are just not giving any relief.
14 Jul, 2013
Photo 89 of 90
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Gardening with friends since
26 Feb, 2008
My absolute favs! I still remember the little clump of seedlings that just burst forth when I planted them in the other garden...I knew they'd never make it...but it was such fun trying just on the off-chance that it might winter over such luck, alas. I have to enjoy them in your pics, Delonix. Thanks !
7 Jul, 2013