By geraniumdad
Just a quick blog really, to say that my mum and dad have just returned from a holiday in BORNEO!
According to my mum, they got lots and lots of photos of everything, so with their permission, I will post some of the best photos on here sometime in the next couple of weeks.
One flower they did manage to see was a Rafflesia!
This is one of the smelliest flowers in the world and is also parasitic, living on the roots of the vine Tetrastigma.
For you orchid lovers, I am hoping my dad managed to get some photos of the ones they saw whilst on a tour.
Keep watching and happy gardening to you all!
29 Oct, 2010
Previous post: 2009 Scotland holiday: St. Andrews Botanic gardens part 3.
Next post: A bit of allsorts!
yes please ~ photos will be great ~ glad we cant smell them tho!!
29 Oct, 2010
Mum and dad had a well deserved holiday to re-charge their batteries and really enjoyed themselves! The hot weather was ideal for mums joint pain.
I think they are planning on going back again next year.
29 Oct, 2010
Looking forward to seeing photos
30 Oct, 2010
Yes, so am I. Dad has a really good camera so I hope the photos don't exceed the up-load size.
30 Oct, 2010
Recent posts by geraniumdad
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- Back at last! Part 1.
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- Spring is around the corner.
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- The best holiday for years!! PART 2.
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- The best holiday for years!! PART 1.
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- Winter: another cold one?
16 Jul, 2011
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look forward to seeing the photo's, hope your mum and dad had a lovely holiday.
29 Oct, 2010