A bit of allsorts!
By geraniumdad
Hello everyone! I have found a bit of time to post another blog; this time about lots of things.
A couple of years ago whilst on hoilday in Kircudbright in beautiful Scotland, I purchased a clematis for 50p.
It was small and had no name but I like un-named and unknown plants: you often get a nice suprise!
It stared flowering a couple of weeks ago and has a good dozen or so buds and flowers on. But what clematis is it?
Also still in flower in the garden is one of my Alstroemerias: this one is Inca Tropic.
Its looking a bit tired but it is November!
Whilst checking the garden (I don’t really know what for!), I thought I would see how the Pelargoniums in my Southern Hemisphere plant section were after last nights frost.
As you can see, they look fine.
There is even a flower or two on the Pelargonium Sidoides.
This bit of the garden is slowly comimg along but there is still much work to do.
The side path has been finished and it looks really nice, if I do say so myself! I do like slate, especially when it is wet.
The bit to the left is going to be block paved eventually…
Anyway, last Sunday (Nov 15th), I went for a drive with one of my twins (the other one was having a strop so didn’t want to come!) to Robin Hoods Bay.
The sea was out so we went down for wander on the beach.
On our travels we came across a juvenile porpoise that was dead. It looked like it had had its head bashed in!
Harrison, my son, said take a photo so I did. It was such a shame. If it had been delibrately killed, then I can only assume it was someone very cruel indeed.
Anyway, Robinhoods bay looked very clean and there were plenty of flowers still looking healthy in gardens. It was a good walk down to the bottom and back up again!
When we left, it was getting dark.
Back at home, we were discussing the porpoise. My wife said that some people might not like them because they eat fish so may want to kill them. Is was at this point when we had a visitor to the garden: it was mickey the field mouse! He had come to eat the sesame seeds we put on the step in between the raised beds for the birds to eat.
Should I be feeding the field mouse and encouraging it to stay in the garden? I think so.
It was obviously feeding a family as the 2 broken malted milk biscuits I put out (it was a wrench as they are my favourite) were taken away very quickly!
Anyway, thats it for now.
Coming soon (whenI get the photos) will be my parents snaps from Borneo, but my next blog will be about an issue that still causes controversy: RECYCLING!!
Happy gardening to you all!
18 Nov, 2010
Previous post: COMING SOON!
Next post: Reach for the Skye!
Hallo g'dad. Your bargain Clematis is C. cirrhosa 'Freckles' - what a good purchase that was!
Lovely to go to the coast - shame the other twin missed out on it! I was sad about the porpoise, though. Why are people so cruel?
18 Nov, 2010
SNAP, Tetra! LOL.
18 Nov, 2010
I bet it was a bit chilly on the beach but it must have been nice that it wasn't thronging with visitors...so sad about your porpoise discovery though.
You are going to have some blooms and evergreen on your clematis well into February...what a great purchase and only 50p! Bargain!
18 Nov, 2010
Could it be that the porpoise had a collision with a propellor or something? Or that it died of illness or age and was bashed against a rock post mortem? I hope that it was not intentionally murdered by a human...I know it does happen...but I hope it didn't. :)
18 Nov, 2010
Yes, I had those thoughts too, Karensue...let's hope it was by some extreme accident at sea.
18 Nov, 2010
Thank you for the Clematis identification.It certainly was a bargain. I got it from a womens institute stall.
As for the porpoise, I have looked at the photo again and again and can't be sure. I have seen propellor damage before and this dosen't look like it. I really hope it wasn't killed intentionally.
I have seen mickey again, looking for some food. He will be getting a digestive tonight: I've eaten all the malted milk...
18 Nov, 2010
We do like to visit the coast in late Autumn and Winter.
I know the weather can be miserable and cold, but it dosen't put us off. We got a lovely suprise in Robin Hoods Bay: the parking was free!
18 Nov, 2010
One of the things I love about visiting the beach in winter is it looks exactly the same as in the summer!! And if it's not a howling gale you can just pretend you're warm!! lol
18 Nov, 2010
Absolutely! We have a bit of a tradition in our house: if I am not at work, we head off to the coast on Boxing day just to get out of the house. It has to be really bad weather to stop us.
18 Nov, 2010
Great you bought that clematis. It flowers in the winter :o)
18 Nov, 2010
hi GD, your side path is looking good i also like the slate effect..you got a bargain with the clematis ..great pics & a great cheecky grin from your son ..lol.:o)
19 Nov, 2010
lovely blog and great photos, sad about the porpoise though, if someone killed it for pleasure then they need putting down, thats just evil. o,k, apart from eating fish what harm could it do,
19 Nov, 2010
One day we will use the brain for what its really for..to think of a way around a problem, instead of using our brute force and greed..lets hope we dont remember when its too late!
19 Nov, 2010
i love the yorkshire coast. have you tried staithes its just a little further along the coast. I reckon its freckles too, mine is forming buds now :o)
19 Nov, 2010
We love Robin Hoods bay, Gdad, so quaint, love your photos, glad you didnt put the one of the porpoise on here, poor creature, they are so lovable too.
19 Nov, 2010
Our mice, field or otherwise are, reside in the compost heap and in a mini woodpile next to it. They munched a whole apple recently and buzzed their way through a pitta bread that was a bit blue. They are handy little creatures for clearing up my negligent fridge habits!!! Calico cat knows they are there and sits nearbye, looking alert, then falls asleep. Mice are OK in the garden but NOT in the house.
25 Nov, 2010
Recent posts by geraniumdad
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- The best holiday for years!! PART 2.
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- The best holiday for years!! PART 1.
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Your clematis is almost certainly Freckles, GD, evergreen and flowers now till February-ish!
Great shame about the dolphins I cant believe they dont hate us for what we do.
Looks like you had a lovely day..we fed a field mouse and it turned into a rat! Well guess it just took over anyway!
18 Nov, 2010