Geyatahi's Profile

About me
I like plants! I adopt plants that were abandoned and try to save them,most of the time I'm successful and since I get them cheap it's well worth it ,if they don't thrive I get a new planter for cheap as well.
My husband is a little annoyed by my facination with plants but he likes the fact that he can buy me plants instead of a dozen roses.The way I see it why buy me 12 roses when I can have the whole bush.
My son loves plants too but his attention span just isn't there yet,he has his own pothos that he can take care of;it's easy enough for him.We started making our own themes for the planters instead of the usual dirt and rocks look and it keeps my son interested.He has a snake and a birdhouse in his planter and he wanted the Army of Darkness theme
for one of my bigger might find a skeleton or two in my pictures,we also had a Shrek theme but now my son is a bit older so we need to find another he likes spiders and vampires now so this will be interesting but it keeps his interest.My step-son used his favorite hotweels car for decoration;he likes the idea of making it his own but not taking care of the plant..he's my video game boy.
Out of all the plants I've owned I favor the pothos,the dog,me,kids,friends and husband have put it through the's been moved from house to house in the winter 4 times,knocked over,eaten by the dog and cat used as a catbox and an ashtray and it still lives.If this happened with my other plants they wouldn't have a chance.
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Joined in Feb 2010
Country: United States
State: Colorado