Gina1's Profile

About me
Hi I'm Gina and I have just moved into my new 2 bed house in Cardiff North just before christmas 09. Since then me and my partner Nico have had none stop challenges with this house of ours LOL.....
Our biggest challenge is the garden at the back of the house I like gardening but not on a scale asbig as this but Nico is totally useless when it comes down to hard graft "ashtray on a motor bike comes to mind" lol. Give him any work to do with computers then he's your man but for sheer hard work well shall we just say nopes....
Mind you on saying that bless him he does cook and he is a good cook as well. He does not realise yet that the green wellies I have bought has his name on them hehehhe with matching pair of green gloves lol.
This a little about me and Nico so we will keep you all posted as to how we get along in the coming days, weeks,months and maybe years if I left it to his royal highness.
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Joined in Jan 2010
Country: Wales
County: South Glamorgan