American Robin Visits the Spring Garden
By greenthumb
I was returning from a quick stop to town and found a robin braving the grasses outside the house. I knew Bianca the cat must be having her afternoon nap inside or I wouldn’t have anyone strolling the grass.
She didn’t seem worried about the car as I rolled in so I just opened the window and started shooting. I got the eye now and then but she just kept picking at the worms she found in the grass, amazingly like the mealworms you would feed them. I was surprised to find my grass yielded many a treat.
After what I took as just too many glances as my camera waved around at her, she decided that maybe the worms on the other side of that pole, further from me looked a little better.
She ran across the mats of moss in a brilliant spring bloom of red and yellow to reach the safety of the other side of the power pole….lol. Once arriving she found many more worms to be eaten. But then, look, there are more wiggling worms there in the taller grass down the hill.
So there was a short foot race down to that damper spot, a spot much closer and more exposed to the camera. ’’Heaven, there is plenty to eat."
“Awk! That thing is still there, looking at me!”
“Quick, dive behind something. Keep your eye on it!” It may feel a bit safer for her there behind the picnic table, but now there can be no feeding on worms!
“I must confront this disrupter!” She took to her feet and darted along the drive keeping low now that stakes are getting high. Anything could happen.
I got a serious stink eye from just out the window. I think just letting me sit and watch has gone to its limit now.
And off she went, hopefully after some contemplation, she will feel a bit safer and return again. As she flew away, I called after “Next time, watch for the cat!”
15 May, 2010
Previous post: Spring Walk to Horseshoe Lake, Denali Nat.Park Alaska
Next post: Where Have the Birds Gone?
Thanks Lincs. :-) I hope so too. I've been waiting years for a robin to show up, but I know that with a cat around, some birds just shy away. They've kept to the treetops for me mostly til now. Plenty to eat from what I saw.
15 May, 2010
What a great catch :-) Never seen american robin before,not a shy one!
16 May, 2010
Great blog and wonderful pictures :-))
16 May, 2010
wonderful photo's and I've not seen one either-- they look bigger and brighter than ours -- do they sing as well as ours?
16 May, 2010
I have four cats Gt and often have to stop them stalking the birds especially when the babies are leaving their nests, it doesn`t stop them returning to the feeders.As it was a harder winter we had birds in the gardens that had never visited before, pleased to say the little Gold Finches are still coming so I guess they like whats on the menu.....
16 May, 2010
Thank you! I was so glad it wasn't shy, they can tend to be. I've been trying to catch one for years, since coming on GOY so I could show them. You've such sweet little ones there. These are much bigger, more the size of a ring neck dove, a bit smaller. They are the most unmistakable songbird welcoming spring and through summer, I got a shot of one singing its guts out a few weeks ago but it was darker. This local one compared to one in the lower 48 US, like where I grew up, lacks the white circle around its eye and the black capped head.
I do have the birds come to the feeder. But the robin doesn't so it usually shies away. I must admit Bianca gets a warning birdcatch ever year and they keep respecting her presence. But just one, she is a bit clumsy and well fed. Mice are easier.
16 May, 2010
Great blog, GT and so nice to see your Robin. She seems to be quite a character.
16 May, 2010
Thanks Gee. I usually get just the fleeting glimpse as they fly quickly off. This one was very brave and determined to keep at her business.
17 May, 2010
great pics of your robin Gt...and your grass is recovering from the winter....dont u just love the spring....
17 May, 2010
great looking bird and some wonderful pics accompanied by excellent text!!
17 May, 2010
Great blog Gt & loved the photos of your little visitor! I didn't realise that they even went that far North, so thanks for the info!
18 May, 2010
Thank you Sandra, OB, Grammazoo. It was so fun watching her, I thought I'd share the
Sandra, we have greened up in just five days after a sudden snow. All this is wild grass that landlord mows which I appreciate, looks nice, though on my own I wouldn't be able to do it, since the bluebells and jacobs ladder in it is coming up. I do love the nice trimmed green.
Dan, I've been trying to catch this american robin to share for so long, and then I get this Was fun to write its escapades on this visit. :-)
Grammazoo, I was suprised to see them here too, and on that same first warm day just like anywhere else I'd lived.....:-)
18 May, 2010
fantastic! lovely photos but it was your blog that made me laugh ~ you should be a writer!
24 Oct, 2010
Great blog :o)
24 Oct, 2010
Thank you Pip and Stickitoffee. The pics I got to just show how different the american robin is inspired the story and it all rolled from there. I'm glad you enjoyed. :-)
24 Oct, 2010
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Fabulous blog Gt, she obviously didn`t feel threatened by you ,smashing photo`s, I hope she visits again........
15 May, 2010